2002-10-02 19:42:02劉丹尼

Where is the Paradise


十月中丹尼將第三度造訪Niagara Falls, Canada.
Oct.2000時第一次看到那大自然令人感動的景象, 丹尼差點就想定居在那了, 離開前還說不知下次拜訪此地是何時了呢.
Oct.2001再次來到了這, 車內仍然撥放著丹尼帶的Canon D Major~Pachelbel,離開前又說不知下次拜訪此地是何時了呢.
Oct.2002在室友的威脅恐嚇之下, 丹尼在半小時內規劃好了行程.好像帶團...離開前將再說不知下次拜訪此地是何時了呢.

一行七人將於下個週末出發....以下便是我們的行程...版權所有, 但歡迎拿去用. "Niagara on the lake" is the must-see.
"Paradise is not a place you can look for, it's not where you go. It's how you feel for a moment of your life when you're part of something. And if you find that moment, it lasts forever!"
For a long time, I've been searching for a heavenly place, however, after a long while, I realize this.

Day 1-Oct.11, Fri
Short Break and Lunch-Albany
Check-in & Niagara Illuminations & Casino (Optional)

Day2-Oct.12, Sat
1. Maid of the Mist- The Falls are Breathtaking and the View from the Boat is Spectacular!!
(40 minutes, 12.25 CDN, October 12—October24 9:45am to 4:45pm)
2. Journey Behind the Falls (7 CDN)
3. Table Rock House- Brunch (Around 20CDN per person)
4. Spanish Aero Car (20 minutes, 6CDN)
5. Great Gorge Advanture (Optional, 20 mins,5.75CDN)
6. Floral Clock
7. The Smallest Chapel in the World
8. Niagara on the Lake- A romantic small town famous for its Jam, Ice Wine Stick.
(The Prince of Wales Hotel, Boutiques, The War Memorial Clock Tower, Shaw Festival Theater)
9. Dinner
10. Back to Niagara Falls

Day 3 Oct.13, Sun
1. CN Tower( 553 meters, 15CDN)
2. Toronto Islands (Ward, Centre, and Halan Islands, Optional)
3. Bloor St. Shopping or Eaton Center
4. New and Old City Hall (Strong Contrast, Nice Place to Take Photos)
5. Toronto University (The Best University in Canada!The movie "Good Will Hunting" was Filmed Here!)
6. Queen St. Night Life (Gypsy co.op-Cool Bar & Restaurant, 45 CDN for two, 817Queen St. W.)

Day4 Oct.14 Mon
Back to NYC!!!