2007-08-24 23:20:05鮪魚


鮪魚巴望去愛琴海到底已經多久了呢? 好像有整個世紀那麼長

之前是哪個傢伙去玩完還弄了一本美美的我的心遺留在愛琴海,那些藍藍白白~~ 看到別人去玩而鮪魚只有看照片的份真是可恨!

沒想到今天翻看雜誌又看到一篇 ”愛情,在克里特島” 介紹 Elounda Peninsula All Suite Hotel,又讓鮪魚整個不行了...

愛琴海到底有多遠呢? 克里特島到底有多遠呢?


好吧 鮪魚今晚要鄭重的在此立定志向,五年內一定要去這裡! 哪年達成年度業績目標鮪魚就動身出發! 如果五年沒有一年達成業績目標,沒被開除自己也該走路吧~ 那就不必請假直接去玩了^^

www.eloundapeninsula.com, 就住這邊吧!!
princess 2007-08-26 21:17:14

see the yacht...that`s life!

ok ok stop it please ~ *_* 2007-08-27 22:44:23
Princess 2007-08-26 21:10:17

Yes... you have kept saying that since the first day I know you.
But Crete is not the best place I`ve ever been, I will highly recommand you to Oia at Santorini, the most incredible peaceful little town, and also Super Paradise Beach at Mykonos Island, to listen to the ocean and enjoy the peace of life.
Anyway, there`s no more romantic way if you can hold hands with the person you love exploding in those alleys with mystery...
especially working in unhealthy financial market for years.
Hope you can achieve this time loh^^~