2004-10-15 20:42:20小傻梓


I am so disappointed for what she said. I don’t know you trust me or not, but the only thing I can say is… I didn’t do something betray you at that time. Whether you believe or not, I don’t care now, anyway, you always think she is good and I was just so demanding and like argued with you, she is really care about you (in the sense that always told me she leave notes to your diary) and I can’t forget what you said for her at that time…maybe this time you believe what she said… and maybe she is right….. Friends always are the most important to you… I know many people say something bad about me….as I can start another life so easily, but did anyone of you support me when I was nearly died? You, people, just see my smiling face, should I phone you when I am crying? Should I tell everybody how many night I spent for crying? I would not care about what they say anymore…… anyway, my last word to you: wish you have a bright future…

After hear what you have said, I am okay now. After all, that memory belongs to us; no one can change it or try to destroy it. Thanks that you believe me… you should take care of yourself also, don’t drink too much, it would really hurt your body… I really wish you can have a bright future and find a good wife lei~