2014-05-08 17:59:16安永經營管理顧問

2014 2015 左永安顧問 英國鑽石品牌戴比爾斯(DE BEERS)打算每年漲價5%

2014 2015 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 職能基準 職能認證課程 共通核心職能 TTQS 創業百萬小學堂 台灣大學 和君 品牌 創新研發中心 品質 卓越經營 DE BEERS執行長梅利耶(Philippe Mellier) 為了在2016年前達成母公司英美資源(Anglo American)設定的15%資本報酬率目標,英國鑽石品牌戴比爾斯(DE BEERS)打算每年漲價5%

于倩若/綜合外電報導 2014年05月07日

De Beers CEO Philippe Mellier. Picture: SIMON DAWSON/BLOOMBERG

為了在2016年前達成母公司英美資源(Anglo American)


英國鑽石品牌戴比爾斯(DE BEERS)打算每年漲價5%,


DE BEERS執行長梅利耶(Philippe Mellier)



DE BEERS2013年資本報酬率約10%,梅利耶表示,




De Beers investigates SA sales, pricing leaks

BY ALLAN SECCOMBE, 11 四月 2014,

DE BEERS has launched internal and external investigations into how secret documents on the pricing and details of diamond sales in South Africa were leaked into the market, compromising the company and its clients.
The De Beers Price Book, which contains diamond valuation data and customer details and invoices in South Africa, was drawn up after a sale that De Beers calls a sight. The report was confidential and sent to the diamond regulator.
Diamond Intelligence Briefs diamond analyst Chaim Evan Zohar said he had copies of highly detailed data of output from De Beers Consolidated Mines, the South African arm of De Beers. This data included the categories, qualities, carat sizes and prices of production. There were also customer invoices detailing sales.
"The company is taking it very seriously, which is why we immediately launched a full-scale internal and external investigation," said De Beers spokeswoman Lynette Gould.
"It’s probably too early to know how this information could have made its way into the public domain which is why we have undertaken such a comprehensive investigation." Early indications were that no De Beers staff were involved in leaking the information, she said.
Mr Evan Zohar described the price book as "perhaps the most valuable and best protected ‘trade secret’ of De Beers." One of his sources, who he described as "intimately familiar" with De Beers, was quoted as saying: "This is the most secret part of De Beers — this has never been shared beyond a small, select nucleus of people."
The consequences are serious, Mr Evan Zohar said. The data on large diamonds, 10.8 carats and higher, is particularly sensitive.
"Even in the hands of nonsightholders, this kind of information is commercially toxic. It provides a total overview at any given time of all the large specials and exceptionals offered at a given sight at their original valuation prices," Mr Zohar said.
"We want to put South African DTC (De Beers Trading Company) sightholders on notice that the integrity of their businesses may have been compromised."