2006-08-29 18:11:53天光雲影

Objectives of SLA / KPI Development team

◎Design new KPIs and SLAs so that performance measures are focused more on business satisfaction rather than pure technical performance:

A. Define entire set of Performance Indicators to track
a. Review current KPIs. Redefine according to apparent problems found
b. Derive new business focused KPIs through interviews with business
i. Adopt"best practice" KPIs to solve specific business issues identified
ii. Create new KPIs for those business issues not found in "best
c. Adopt additional metrics from other global company’s KPIs not
already covered
B. Identify most important 20–30 Performance Indicators to become KPIs.
a.Requires workshop(s) and syndication with business and IT
b.KPIs used to actively evaluate performance and to change behaviours
when required

C. Form SLA using 5–10 of these KPIs
a. Assign weights to KPIs to determine overall SLA score
b. Determine bonus/penalty rates for exceeding/failing predefined
service levels
◎Design mechanisms to collect metrics data
a. Determine most effective collection method; trade-off between
accuracy and cost
b. Introduce checking mechanisms for periodic sanity checks
c. Determine interdependencies with IT Financial Data Collection

◎Setup procedures for periodic review of SLAs / KPIs

(Reference and lesson learned from some PROJ)