2022-08-02 04:59:52Naj

BBB 血腦屏障

Yes, BBB Act somehow relates to Blood-Brain Barrier(BBB).
A little bit more than that.
It's a coincidence that I found out the connection in between.
Not strategically useful perhaps.
I am in my middle age, so to study health knowledge becomes one of my interests.
Mainly I am working on how carbs affect our moods and our brain.
Many articles and books also talk about dementia, which shows the society deeply concern about this.
These three issues are often being mentioned at the same source.
One book I read in my house says that dementia maybe caused by Blood Brain Barrier's losing function, though human beings not yet know why.
Another possible reason of dementia is the brain failing to gain nutrition no longer.
Since we eat carbs as the main diet, most people nowadays use glucose offering nutrition to the brains, claimed by scientists. Though except glucose, the brains also "eat" ketones.
Under some kind of God-made mechanism, human body will use glucose first, before using ketones.
Glucose is more tasty to the brains, but its molecular size seems bigger than ketones.
Is it easier for ketones to get over BBB? Or is glucose cause dementia more easily?
So some books give hints low-keyly that you should let your body get used to ketones in order to keep the brain healthy.
So, back to BBB.
Though BBB is protecting the brains, like a samurai guarding at the door, in certain situation, it's not helping- if the person has brain cancer, the chemo-medicine can hardly reach the brain, which I believe that Joe's elder son, Beau, had faced this tough situation.
I believe Joe know BBB because of trying treating Beau, it's not a coincidence that Joe names this act "BBB" I believe.
Build Back Beau, in the memory of his kid.
Beau has a wise and warm eyesight in the photo I see. If I were Joe, losing him must really break my heart, my soul.
About the medical observation to the Biden family, I sense that the family's Blood-Brain Barrier are more vulnerable than others, since Joe also has the brain problems for all these years.
As for BBB, exactly how it works for the human brain and how to fix it, still a mystery until now.
If someone try to stop the technology of human being for any reason, any technology, that's the result we human beings are facing.
It's my imagination and guesses, thank you for listening.

上一篇:哇 即將迎來20周年~

