2011-07-20 10:14:21可樂果女王

Do not fear


無欲則剛    無畏則強

I say to myself   "I'm not afraid"



緋裳女 2011-10-19 11:03:24

I can speak English,Japanses,and a littlr French .I had travelled 11countriesin5 years but somehow or sometime I feel so alone I will burst into tears without any reasons

oh~it's so great about you go to so many country
It's business or just travel?

I know how is the feeling
sometimes I feel the same
but I just let it cry
when the crying finish
my mood is getting better
then I will find something else can make me happy to change my mood,you should try~:)
2011-10-20 09:30:03
緋裳女 2011-10-18 04:04:14

I am lack of sleep for a week I just came back from a nice hotel by myself all I need is nothing but sleep right now
thank you so much to want to talk to me

you're welcome~:) 2011-10-19 09:44:35
緋裳女 2011-10-17 00:06:43

I am afrid of everything becase I am aloe when I moved in this new bulging I have no friends to talk to .it is a long long story to tell, I even had lots of nightmare as days went by.

If you wish
I could be your friend

If you wanna to talk
I'll be there :)
2011-10-17 22:04:18