2022-10-03 01:51:05夏寒
看了"想飛" 有關台灣空軍的故事!飛行員和救護人員一樣 ,也是有危險性的!其實人生不就是這樣,永遠都是未知數!
Fly me to the moon. I want to fly.
Last night I watched a movie called " I want to fly." In the movie, that related to government air force pilot. The pilot has to write a will before they fly out. I think back yesterday was thanks police officer day. Should we have a day for hero day? Those firefighters, EMT, military personnel, many others. I think most of us don't write a will or even how to handle our Healthcare. A will seems only for wealthy people. When my husband passed away, we received a call from a living will that he had previously arranged he will be a donor. That is something that I was never known of. Most of these organizations may not help with your funeral cost. Roughly that cost 700 to 1200 or more. The death for most family that they also lost social services pay check if for elderly. In life, we could not control sickness and death. Somehow what if, for some culture that we don't talk about it. Going through 3 deaths and I have to learn from it. Try to not put debt on your spouse and children. We were very lucky to have met my Godparents so we could recover on our own after 3 years. Take care of sick spouse is a very long journey. Now my YouTube talking about dementia, for Lewy body dementia life average is 8 years. Somr other types might be even much longer. When you are 55 you can consider to apply PACE if you can qualify. It is living at home with hospital care. You don't want to end up in nursing home. Most people forced to make that choices later regret it. Most of us are older yet retired don't like to burden our children. Like other medical professionals some chosen no treatment when they got cancer. Living is hard and prepared what if is even harder. If you have a job that offers insurance and 401K, you are handled it well. If you are veterans that already go to your county VOS to get your VA benefits, you know you are taken care of. We all scared of what if, but if we can prepare for. It might be a toughest thing you have to do. You may want to also prepare power of attorney that who can handle it. Don't be scared of talking about it. Live your life to fullest and make peace with it. We can't do everything but we can do our best. Consider to be a donor and let other people have a chance. Living is still wonderful and don't have any regrets. "I want to fly" writing to someone you care today.