2009-05-18 22:38:00探奇教室



最近他又有新的創作,而且越做越大型,將NXT結合Power Function馬達、氣壓元件,作品令人讚嘆!

2009.03推出的BIONICLE ROBOT HEAD (生化戰士之機器人頭, 我的中文翻譯受了電影影響), 就是結合下列零件完成。

-One Intelligent NXT Brick
-One NXT Rechargeable Battery
-Three NXT Servo Motors
-One NXT Sound Sensor
-One NXT Ultrasonic Sensor
-One NXT IR Link (HiTechnic)
-Two Power Functions IR Receivers
-Seven Power Functions Lights
-Two Power Functions M-Motors
-Two Power Functions XL-Motors
-Two Power Functions Battery Boxes
-Three Power Functions Extension Wires
-One Red Electric Light Brick (2x3x1)
-One Pneumatic Switch
-Two Pneumatic Cylinders (48mm)
-One Pneumatic Airtank
-Two Technic Competition Cannons



前兩天推出的The Pirates and the NXTfied Theater除了下面的樂高零件,也用了海盜系列的套件,

- One Intelligent NXT Brick
- One NXT Rechargeable Battery
- Three NXT Servo Motors
- One NXT Light Sensor
- One NXT IR Link (HiTechnic)
- Two Power Functions IR Receivers
- Two Power Functions Light Sets
- Four Power Functions M-Motors
- One Power Functions XL-Motor
- Three Power Functions Battery Boxes
- Three Power Functions Extension Wires

...plus some more LEGO bricks and pieces

