you were so happy in the dream!! the mean is you still love her and care about her, you can’t forget her!!!! you have to admit it that she will be happy if she know it!! ^^
" 人一旦悟透了,就會變得很沉默。不是沒有了與人相處的能力,而是沒有了與人逢場作戲的興趣。" 《百年孤獨》 裏一句經典的話:"
1987,Tom Petty結束了和他的專屬樂隊The Heartbreaks的巡演,他決定學Bruce Springsteen,出一張也沒有專屬樂隊The E Stre
後龍六號公園位於台1線光華路旁,就在後龍鎮衛生所對面。 說這裡是公園一點都不像,看不到一般公園草木扶疏的場景,就是一座兒
you were so happy in the dream!!
the mean is you still love her and care about her, you can’t forget her!!!!
you have to admit it that she will be happy if she know it!! ^^