2017-05-02 11:42:31tonyb8j6u60is

The Best Places to Travel in 2


Biking to Angkor Thom and Ta Prom

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Biking is the best way to travel around this historical site. Let the professional guide lead you to the ancient Khmer Empire.
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Depart by bike for Angkor Thom, the ancient royal city of the Khmer Empire with its centre piece; the Bayon temple. Although it may look like a shapeless mass of stone, further scrutiny reveals towers with enigmatic faces of former King Jayavarman VII.

Continue to the Terrace of the Elephants, which served as a platform from where the King could welcome back his victorious army and the Terrace of the Leper King, which holds perfect carvings winding along a narrow passage way that leads to the Baphuon complex.

Continue to Ta Prohm, considered to be one of Angkor』s jewels with is overgrown fig trees, giving a haunting yet exotic atmosphere. The magnificent roots of the trees have merged itself over the centuries with the temple』s huge stone blocks, emphasizing a 『forgotten city』 feeling.


Depart by bike for Angkor Thom, the ancient royal city of the Khmer Empire with its centre piece; the Bayon temple. Although it may look like a shapeless mass of stone, further scrutiny reveals towers with enigmatic faces of former King Jayavarman VII.

Continue to the Terrace of the Elephants, which served as a platform from where the King could welcome back his victorious army and the Terrace of the Leper King, which holds perfect carvings winding along a narrow passage way that leads to the Baphuon complex.

Continue to Ta Prohm, considered to be one of Angkor』s jewels with is overgrown fig trees, giving a haunting yet exotic atmosphere. The magnificent roots of the trees have merged itself over the centuries with the temple』s huge stone blocks, emphasizing a 『forgotten city』 feeling.


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