Novotel fenix phloenchit 諾富特芬尼斯菲隆奇酒店 pk novotel fenix silom
Novotel fenix ploenchit 諾富特芬尼斯菲隆奇酒店
苦哈哈旅行社分級: 四星商務旅館旅館
合理房價:2000NTD 含早
地址(address): 566 Ploenchit road Bangkok, thailand
This is a brand new hotel, Not open yet, but scheduled on 23 Dec 2010.
During the mean while,there is another novotel called fenix silom, just open few month ago. This time I also spend one night to check how it look like. However, just an average of novotel (even a litle below) old smell (although just renovation), bed location. The price should below 1500THB.
And for the other one on ploenchit is much better, Althogh still not open, the location is realy perfact, even then my favorite InterContinental, The lobby is quite modern in style. Chic but not luxury. Then lobby must be very dreamy at night. Maybe they can add some fragrancy in the lobby. When we sitting in the lobby bar and drink the welcome drink, I smell some thing l, very european style, like the unique smell of Sofitel. But more delicate, I supposed that would be new internation smell of novotel. But my friend said:that was hermes`s fragrance.
Then we are take to the room. This room is very novotel, but the pillow is blue and green, I like it.Some novotel like to choice bright red and black, But look cheap. Room is a litlle small and no bath tube. Anyway, it`s novotel, not sofitel.
Then resurant and swimming still under constuction. hope next time I can visit it.
這趟去還願,順道想去看看客棧上有在討論兩間新的旅館,都是掛novotel,不過一間在西隆路底,一間菲隆奇路上,不過兩間一比,西隆路那間明顯輸掉,雖然在holiday inn的對面,實在很路底,四周也荒涼,走過氣派大廳,真的有四星級的水準,可是一進房間就可以感受到老舊房子的氣味,混雜了新裝潢的致命甲醛味,雖然九月才開幕可是明顯感受到裝潢已經在變老了,設計跟裝潢跟華航的機場酒店幾乎一模一樣,可是怎麼會老這麼快?不外乎是偷工減料,用品質差的東西就會這樣,浴室也是明顯排水不良,沒浴缸,看來很快就會便成all season 或ibis 之類的,大地雷,雖然是用不到一千大洋的價錢入住,不過我想以後是不會再考慮的,現在價錢已經開到兩千,我還不如住老相好holiday inn silom,又會昇等房間又大又舒服。
另一間這次很可惜住不到,本來是說十五號就開門,想說再晚個幾天定十九號,可是出發前臨時聽說要改到二十二號,同時間會把我們轉到grand sukhumvit(之前品質太差,被拔掉sofitel) 當然不要囉,請他們取消,我再訂holiday inn BKK,本想說最後一晚拖個行李到隔壁,怎知又踩到地雷,細節再說,不過19號當天還是前往飯店一看,果然到處還在整修,大廳設計的很前衛,充滿時尚的感覺,果然是招牌諾富特(五星大廳+三星房間=四顆星),我們先被請到酒吧喝果汁,可惜晚上打光應該很漂亮,經理很有企圖心,一直問我們有沒有什麼建議,不過我們對她擦的愛瑪仕香水比較有興趣,櫃檯很客氣帶我們參觀房間跟趕工中的餐廳,其他設施都還沒辦法見人,房間的部分確實比西隆路那間好,雖然格局也是一樣,不過材質明顯好多了,冷氣也不像西隆路那間一直隆隆叫,而且最重要的是,飯店就在BTS站正下方,只差沒有天橋可以走過去,下次從洲際退房後可以改定這間,差一站,第二天搭BTS轉機場線也方便。
Novotel Bangkok Fenix Ploenchit 現已開幕半年,看見latestays 有23xx THB /night (含早)的方案,化算嗎?
請問苦哈哈旅行社社長看了這間旅館的房間大小..因為我們有三個人.. 如果加床.. 空間會不會很小?