2005-12-20 23:43:28笨蛋

Something bad happened again~

Her best friends,the badminton team keep her away again...
I really don’t wanna see this happen..~
Because last time,that makes her down,unhappy,sad,and tired all day..
But at least,I could do something to cheer her up,and she believes me,
She knows even when the world leave her,I will still be with her....
But this time is different...
She and I almost don’t talk to each other the whole day..
And her best friends leave her...
I really wanna do something helpful for them..
I love her.
But I don’t know what to do....
I want to make her smile and happy..
Bue she just doesn’t want to be with me at all..
I only may hope they can forgive her soon and be with one another well.
In fact,maybe somethin’ like this happens may let me have a little
more chance to be with her..
But I would rather see her be happy without me than what she does now..
Because I know..
I don’t have the ability and chance to be her boyfriend again.
so I just want she to be happy,
and when she has problems.. I could be her problem solver.
"I will love you forever, you know..,because someone like you can change my mind is seldom appear.....Do not forgive me..Do take notice of me...will you? "
She asks me not to buy her breakfast anymore...
She said that she will do that herself~..
But today I see someone gave her breakfast...
Though I know they mustn’t be together~..But this feeling is really not good..
She deprived me of the chance of my being with her every day.
"Good luck girl~..
You are still so beautiful~..
I won’t be bored even if I’ve seen you all year long..
You are the only one who I want to be falled in love with.
You are the only one who I want to shake hands with.
You are the only one who I want to ask hand for...
And I am always your supporter~"