2005-02-04 18:23:05Rebecca

The Dream Outfit

You walk on the street during a weekday.
The sun is shinning and you walk with a fast pace among the people to claim your busyness.
While minding your own business with your brain running fast as usual trying to figure out which appointment is at 5pm, the train of thoughts pauses for a short stop by the red light.

Turning your head to the right for a glaze at the window display as you wait, your heartbeat speeds up to see your dream in your eyes.
The dream outfit that you’ve always wanted is lying right in front of you, getting your attention with no intent of showing off.

Her style, color, texture, cut, and her glow is everything that you wanted, “a perfect match!”
You are most certain that she’ll look good on you and you know how you could glitter with her paring.
Try the best to squeeze out some time out of the busy schedule, test it on, stare at the mirror to reassure she is what you desire, and then you slip the magical credit card to the sales and say, “I’m taking this baby home with me!”

You finally get your dream outfit, you wear it with every chance you have to make a statement in front of your friends saying that you’ve found the one and only and you are proud and satisfied.
When everyone’s aware and clear, you hang her on the wall, not in the closet by the rest of the ordinaries, with an appreciation to show how much you care. You come home every night and smile at her, feel her texture against your skin.

After a while when she becomes a part of your life, she turns into a decoration of the room, a great art piece that you own, but not wear.
You do love it, but the excitement when you first meet each other and the tingling feelings of the first few times are gone.
Now that you own this special thing, it is okay to ignore the caring she deserves. You are lazy to bring her to dry cleaning and brush her with the cream she needs.
“Why bother do it now anyways? I’ve got all the time to show my caring!” you say.

In the end, her skin gets muddy without the polishing, the fabrics are over-moistured due to weather, and the dust is a new layer to cover the original color.
Lack of constant care all begins with a wrongful attitude. After this “one and only dream outfit” was purchased; after she was taken off from the display and wrapped into a box, her destiny changed.

She cried because she thought she’d be precious by the owner; she cried because she had a dream of being worn and being taken care of with respect. Now all she’s left with is an exterior that’d stop glowing a long time ago. And it is all because of his carelessness that a beautiful outfit got left behind on the wall, by the corner of a room.

This is a true story described by a sad piece of cloth who suffered an unforgettable experience…

Reporter: Rebecca Fan
Narrator: Calvin Klein 2005 Spring Collection, dress #6
Interview on February 4th, 2005


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