2020-05-21 22:39:40妙音




In the face of natural and man-made disasters, from the Buddhist perspective, we should learn to accept the law of cause and effect, while starting our effort by calming people’s minds.

If people’s minds are calm enough, then at least man-made disasters in our environment will decrease. When the causes and conditions in various aspects can be more in balance, society will more likely become peaceful and stable, and thus there will be fewer natural disasters.

As such, when faced with natural and man-made disasters, we should make an effort to calm our minds, keep a gentle and peaceful mind, live in harmony with people, as well as adapt and accommodate to the natural environment.


Help yourself and others will help you; heaven helps those who help themselves. We should cherish our karmic affinities and blessings, and start by calming ourselves. Recite “Guanyin Bodhisattva” everywhere; and chant “Amitabha Buddha” without end. Maintain peace of mind at all times, with our thoughts, and in all situations. At any time and place, rein in our mind, so that our fluctuated mind can settle down.


We hoped that the Buddhist light of compassion and wisdom brings warmth to the world, so that everyone can have peace of body, peace of mind, peace of family, and peace of activity. This is the true and ultimate peace that we can depend on.

- 選自聖嚴法師著作《心安就有平安》
- Excerpts from Master Sheng Yen’s A Mind at Peace, a Life at Peace

Translated by Chang, Cheng-yu
Edited by 張燕娣, Paul James, Leefah Thong, Chiacheng Chang


恭錄自  法鼓山