【五月情慈母心: 緊急救援淘汰小母牛】(分享就是救生護生)
【五月情慈母心: 緊急救援淘汰小母牛】(分享就是救生護生)
【五月海魚救生: 懇請支持基隆和平島與澎湖箱網海魚救生】
【Please continue reading for English version】
觀音的家是淘汰牛寶的家園!我們的開基園區 - 牛寶園區,七年來收容了難以計數,即將送入屠宰場的牛兒,如今學會已擁有三座牛家園,為如母的功德主積功累德,並延續過往救生的功德力,期盼師兄姐持續支持學會鼓勵園區,一起為維護此救生護生的家園而努力!支持辦法:
1. 學會專線: (06)208-7772
2. 救生訊息: https://avalokitesvara.tw/newsCon.php?ap=6
3. LINE ID: a0981552011
4. 信箱: a0981552011@gmail.com
5. 會址: 台南市東區東門路二段八十九號七樓之二
6. 建議回向文: https://avalokitesvara.tw/activity.php?items=10
圖片: 攔截一隻生病,腹部脹氣身形瘦削的母乳牛,後續醫療獸醫診治費,還請師兄姐加油打氣,幫忙生病的淘汰小母牛!
【May - the month celebrating the love of mothers: urgent rescue of an abandoned cow】(please share to save and protect animals)
【Rescue of sea fish in May: please support our rescue of sea fish on Heping Island, Keelung City and those kept in net cages in Penghu】
Every year, around 40,000 cattle are being slaughtered in Taiwan. Many cows, being one of the poor farm animals, have to endure great pain and torture, from being kept at farms to being served on plate. Ninty-five percent of beef in Taiwan's market is contributed by diary cattle!
Abandoned cattle are considered "by-product" in the eyes of diary farmers, that these poor animals eventually end up to be slaughtered for meat that makes up the most of the market. Female diary cattle usually have a reproductive period for up to 6-7 years long, and they can be gestated four times in their lives. During such period, they can produce up to 30,000L milk that helps farmers to make a fortune. Sadly, those cattle who are incapable of artificial conception will be sent to slaughter immediately. Diary cattle are in no doubt one of the most exploited farm animals!
The Home of Avalokitesvara is the forever home for abandoned cows! We first established in the form of sanctuary for cows. With countless rescue of cows soon to be killed, we are proud to say that we now have 3 zones especially for cows. This accumulates many meritorious virtues for all mother-like benefactors, and also continues their previously cultivated meritorious virtues of saving lives. We hope that you could continue to support our sanctuary, and to save and protect lives together!
To enquire and support us, please contact us at
1. Hotline: (06) 208-7772;
2. LINE messenger: a0981552011;
3. Email: a0981552011@gmail.com; or
4. Address: 7F.-2, No. 89, Sec. 2, Dongmen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Remember to dedicate the merits of saving and protecting animals to your karmic creditors and every sentient being in the world by invoking the aid of Buddha:
1. May all sentient beings leave suffering and attain bliss.
2. May the merit and virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the three paths below.
May those who see and hear of this
Bring forth the resolve for Bodhi
And when this life is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
3. Followed by any other specific best wishes for specific beings.
(Credits to: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association and Vajra Bodhi Sea for the translated dedication prayer [1.] and Verse of Transference [2.])
Photos: we have saved an ill little one who is skinny and with a bloated stomach. Please support the medical fee for this poor one, and pray for her speedy recovery!
恭錄自 臺南市觀音的家佛學會