美國加州 戒尿布州
小傢伙就快要三歲了. 以他現在的溝通能力來說, 我和 Gary 都覺得是應該訓練他戒尿布的時候了. 因為小傢伙現在嗯嗯完了會跟我說. 這就表示他已經對這方面有意識了. 不過戒尿布的方式有好幾種. 除了要定時的帶他去馬桶上坐坐以外, 也有人建議說就讓他拉在褲子上. 這樣他才會警覺說要懂得忍住. 對我來講定時的帶他去馬桶上坐我是沒問題的. 讓他尿在褲子上嘛! 唉~ 這個我問題可大啦! 我到是不介意洗小傢伙的衣褲. 可是我真的很不想洗地毯. 因為我不相信我可以把地毯洗的很乾淨. 想到家裡的地毯這裡一塊尿那裡一塊尿的我就會抓狂. 但是小孩子的尿布要不要戒呢? 當然是一定要的啦!
每年的美國國慶日這段時間都剛好是美國擊劍的全國比賽. 又是國定假日又是暑假的. 所以每次的夏季比賽都為期將近兩個禮拜. Gary 又要當裁判又要當教練. 這幾天對他來說其實是真的很辛苦的. 所以大部分的時候我都讓他自己去. 這樣他才可以專心工作. 我則留在家裡帶小傢伙. 但是今年不知怎地, 我就是很不想跟他分開這麼久. 兩個禮拜耶! 再加上我一大早一個人帶小傢伙去上課, 下了班再自己帶他回來. 這樣子要過十天我真的是越想越覺得悲慘. 後來靈機一動. 咦~ 小傢伙不是要戒尿布嗎? 那我幹嘛不利用這個機會專心的訓練他呢? 花十天的時間跟你卯上了來戒尿布. 我就不信我們做不到. 這次的夏季擊劍比賽是在加州的San Jose. 哈~ 所以啦! 加州! Look out! 我們來了! 將來我也會跟小傢伙說. 哦~ 你知道嗎? 當年我們是大老遠的從德州飛到加州去幫你戒尿布的哦!
上一篇:Are You OK?
Thank you for your encouragement. To be honest with you, I am not very much looking forward to those washing dirty undies days. But, I don’t have choice. Because I am pretty sure my hubby is not gonna help me with that. I do hope my little guy will be successfully potty trained this summer.
Dear Allison,
I know that there is a big Mormon population in Utah. The only reason I assume you were not Mormon is because you are from Taiwan. I understand when it comes to the different Christian branches, it can get very complicated. My brother-in-law and his wife are Baha’i. I am not sure if you ever heard of it. Apparently, they also believe in God and also accept the other gods. Because they believe no matter what the god’s name is, they are all the same after all. Well, I have to admit that I don’t get that part. But I believe what I believe and I am happy with that. That all matters to me.
I am determined to get my little guy’s potty train done. Wish me good luck! *^_^*
Good Luck!