2005-06-28 04:26:05TIna

June 26th 2005

June 26th

Walking on the street of Austin, enjoy the breeze coming down to my face.
My location is not too far away from the capital of TX. I hope I will never be able to carry my suitcase and move to the next un-knowing future.

My left side is standing a man we are jogging around the Park of Town River. Austin is a nice place for people to feel suitable and stay. Green trees and wild animals. Most of all is the mother of natural surround Austin.

Hiking sport easy to start with to train your body health. I never know a girl who like me is coming from a modern city, but I can be with this green room also comfortable with my feeling.

Loop1, a skyway lead people from city to another. Skyway with six link together. No cops will try to stop you doing speed limit. The sighs just like a sticky card. Unseen could easy to pass by. Drive faster is the factor of avoid hitting.

People who are enjoy their lifetime here. Make up your own house and get start with it. Not for long, house will appear just like the way you dream about but not just a blue print anymore.

American life style teaches me how to see myself more cleanly. Soon, you will find what you has been lost for years.