2006-07-24 22:42:59瘋狂海盜

Time ,time pass me by


戲劇散場我回家 公車站牌很遠很難到達 
握著票根 還想著主角說的話
憂鬱很短 嘆息很長 其實有很多想法 只是不被表達
我這會兒該擔心的是媽媽 現在已快要十二點啦


So why do you worry me? And why don’t you go to sleep
Aren’t you confident that. Everyone is okay in the city.
Why do you worry me? And why don’t you go to sleep.
I thought I’m but simple. So simple to dream.

日子該是不同形狀 堅持夢想不容易 人要努力
可是他說 這種事情遲早得放棄


So why don’t you worry me? And why don’t you go to sleep.
Aren’t you just with me that. 
This little child is okay for her searching.

Why don’t you worry me? And why don’t you go to sleep.
I thought I’m but simple. So simple to dream.


也不是真的不要關心 也不是真的不曾介意
可偏我也不是真的拒絕這一切 只留下自己

也不是全都不理不聽 也不是真的無從繼續
可每一次我的試著堅強 都成了不得已的哭泣

I’m screaming, I’m losing all of it.
I’m trying to be mature someday,but’till now it’s still in vain.
I’m bearing, I’m losing all of it.
I’m trying to go on this path,but you said I haven’t get the jest.

也不是真的不要關心 也不是真的想盡辦法任性
而你懂不懂 我懂不懂 其實我心底都珍惜

也不是全都不理不聽 也不是硬要顛反事理
可每一次我都試著靠近 都成了你看見的抗議

I’m screaming, I’m losing all of it.
I’m trying to be prefect someday,but’till now it’s still in vain.
I’m bearing, I’m losing all of it.
I’m trying to be understood,but you said I haven’t seen it yet.

I’m screaming, I’m losing all of it.
I’m trying to go on this path,but you said I haven’t get the jest.
I’m losing all of it.
I’m trying to be understood,but you said I haven’t seen the point.

I’ll try it out, I’ll try it out.
I’m trying it out sometime.
I’m trying it out someday.

<瘋狂的豬> Tizzy bac

Time,time pass me by. It’s too late and make me wanna cry.

Every time you shout to me. Just let me feel so depressed.
太多夢想使我變得如此容易沮喪 所以我開始飛舞在平靜海上
Time,time pass me by. It’s too late and mdke me gonna cry.
這個世界始終有我不能理解的悲哀 終日沈默也不能夠停止傷害

我試著慢慢靠近你的心 但怎麼做就怎麼錯 怎麼努力卻顯得懦弱
該不該繼續裝著不在意 但其實心裡真不好受 該在乎什麼也看不懂
就怕故事已經走到盡頭 我的心中卻還依然傻傻持續燃著火
It’s about you and me. (It’s about love and peace. )

有愛 可以解決所有困難 到最後才發現
原來 你要給的不只是愛 終日沈默也不能夠停止傷害
說得再多又如何 反正我全不懂

Every time you shout to me. Just let me feel so depressed.
太多夢想使我變得如此容易沮喪 所以我開始飛舞在平靜海上
再也沒人可以嘲笑我的簡單和狂想 Time,time pass me by!