2006-12-15 04:30:08Ar Ian





  我心中有一個最深的期望,就是當我們這樣回到神面前的時候,能否為教會的復興禱告! 雖然我們需要為軟弱的肢體禱告,要為諸位代禱的肢體們的歸回禱告,然而求主更新我們的悟性,開我們的眼睛能看見今天的教會更需要我們的禱告,讓神作工,讓教會的實際可以出現。因為今天教會在這個世界上的影響力不是那麼明顯,所以務要發出呼聲,求神在這些年間復興祂的工作。弟兄姊妹們! 請把為我的禱告轉向為自己,為教會復興的禱告。

  為教會的復興禱告,辭句要謹愼。比如哈巴谷先知發出的禱告中說、耶和華阿、求你在這些年間復興你的作為、在這些年間顯明出來、在發怒的時候、以憐憫為念。這是因先知哈巴谷知道神的審判要來到,巴比倫要來除滅,先知哈巴谷知道這句話是指著什麼! 當我們用這樣的辭句禱告,要謹愼,也要知道,當主再來的日子,一切有形的將要滅掉,要建立祂心意中真正的教會。



November 19, 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May this letter find you at peace. During my sickness, all of the medical treatments I received did not help. However, through your prayers, I have not experienced anything that I could not bear. This indeed has been by God’s great grace. On the one hand, my illness has caused you to pray and through these prayers you have received comfort from God to comfort me. On the other hand, these prayers are also causing you to come before God and perhaps, your praying is even a type of returning to God.

In my heart, there is a deepest of desires – that we pray for the revival of the Church as we come back to the Lord! We who are offering up intercessory prayers need to pray for the weaker members of the Body but we also need to pray for ourselves that we may return to God. Plead for the Lord to renew our understanding and open our eyes to see that the Church today needs our prayers even more. Let God work! Let the reality of the Church be revealed because the influence of the Church today is not very apparent. Therefore, we must cry out and plead for God to revive His work in these days. Brothers and Sisters, please turn your prayers for me into prayers for yourselves and for the revival of the Church.

We must choose our words cautiously when praying for the Church’s revival. For example, the prophet Habakkuk prayed, “O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy”. Habakkuk prayed this way because he foresaw God’s impending judgment and knew that the Babylonians would wipe out the Israelites. The prophet Habakkuk truly understood the meaning of this phrase! However, when we use similar words to pray, we must be cautious and know what we’re praying for. Know that every physical thing will be destroyed on the day of the Lord’s return. God will build a true Church in accord with His heart’s desire.

By God’s grace, there are so many brothers and sisters praying for me from all over the world. Hopefully these prayers do not stop here, just for me. I plead for the Holy Spirit to do a personal work of revival within you. Pray for yourselves before the Lord and establish a true and intimate relationship with Him. Pray also for the Church’s revival. This has been a deep burden in my heart for many years. Hopefully the church can reveal God’s Testimony in the future. Hence, I ask all brothers and sisters to pray for the revival of the church.

In Christ,
Brother John Chi-Wen Lin