2002-08-07 22:58:10Chazi

4 rooms same hotel

Girl 1
I used to be in love with this girl who smoked Camels, she was tall and anorexic. She worked at a coffee stand and has a piercing on her nose.
I'm no longer in love with her.
But everytime I bump into her, we greet eachother for 45 seconds, and I would think back and try to remember that sensation we call LOVE. I could no longer retrieve it.

Girl 2
I used to be in love with this girl who was half japanese and half German...the ultimate facist mix..who also looked like a model. But that was it. period. It was pure physical attraction and nothing else. I wanted something that I could not have and I eagerly tried, and wanted it very bad. I never got it, but did come close to it. Luckily my intellectual side saved me from contamination. occasionally I would still think of it; due to an instinct that i loathe and despise: welcome to the introduction of my inner horny bastard self.

Girl 3
I used to be in love with this girl from tahiti who cheated on her boy friend while he was away so she could fuck my brains out, but later went back to him and dumped me so she could fuck his brains out. So i guess I was a rebound, but I really loved her. Maybe because she never co-operated with me. We fought alot. and fucked alot. perhaps thats why she left me. We overly fucked eachother, physically and emotionally.

Girl 4 (present)
I am in love with a girl who speaks my native tongue and practices clarinet while she's on the toilet.
She likes Murakami Haruki's books, and children's books by Jimmy.
She wants to be a writer and speaks better japanese than I do. She's not so much of a cook but prepares fruits for me and tries hard. and I respect her for that.
we compete and grow with eachother everyday, and we fuck like rabbits.
I'm in love with her but don't know why.

....I guess you just know.