2006-07-03 08:19:15白武一

2006 幻詠香江 Lamma&Shenzhen (三)

聽著Asilah / Buddha Bar New York的旋律,原來我可以再度這樣找到自己。

在Bus Terminal搭乘City Bus (HKG40) 即可直接到西環。心中還是充滿緊張地再度來港見面。

California Gym - Hong Kong Park
Showed up around at the gym and trying to kill some time. Then Met up with Nicky,Anna, Dalphane at HK Park due to their business event. HK park has been surrounded by the view with skyscrapers and directly located on the uphill. The restaurant L16 where is able to enjoy the feeling of getaway in this speedy city.

Lamma Island (南ㄚ島)
IFC巨樓後方搭著渡輪環繞著香港島前往這個可愛的魚村島。大概不到三十分鐘,船費單程約HKG40不到就可上岸。 榕樹灣是一個傳統異國的小鎮,有很多小店小餐館,還有些是老外自行經營的,讓人覺得有點像台灣九份。

經過天后古廟(Year 1870),不難發現這裏很多文化相似之處可能島上還有人說台語喔。洪聖爺海灘算是乾淨不過海景讓人有點小小失望啦! 所以只有和Nicky在海邊喝喝小酒找個地方避暑。之後便起身給他狠狠地登山去!由著觀景亭一路下真的可以看盡長洲與大嶼山的美景。

最後經過香蕉林還有一所小學,讓人不禁想到說不定大明星周潤發在這裡出生。回程的地方,嘗些當地海鮮,傘貝還真是好吃阿! 當地的豆腐花也讓人有不同的體驗!

King’s Hotel Clubbing – Later that night, Met up with Jacky & Perry for clubbing. It’s kind of weird to get back to clubbing once again. As I still remember that 1st time was so good but this time has lacked of some freshness.
Jacky had a nice haircut and Perry seemed to be same old, not too much change in my mind. After party, back home and really enjoy exploring the fun, ha ha !

Pok Fo Lam – HK University – Cyberport (數碼港)
昨夜的小狂歡直睡到自然醒,下午我們慵懶地步行到Pok Fo Lam搭上小公車前往Cyberpot。我就是喜歡這樣的感覺。一種可以沒有頭緒地沒有計畫地去做一件事情。Cyberport 正在計畫成為新的Silicon Vally所以整個地方的感覺就像一個很大的城市突然間人都消失般地隱密。 看一場電影(Omen 666) 感受兩個人的世界,這樣最好也最微妙。

中午與Nicky在Marco Polo HK內的Restaurant Stonegrill品嘗真的很道地的石板牛排。之後便自行前往尖沙嘴的California Fitness Center好好感受一下不同的Gym Life。 這一天很特別因為晚上便要迎接兩位SG friends’ JEFF and Marcus。 第一面見到他們讓人覺得很親切且讓我覺得似乎他們話超多。 晚餐一夥人加上Sucin 浩浩蕩蕩地在這很出名的地方用餐 - Under Spicy Crab (橋底辣蟹)。 這也是有史以來,讓我對香港的美食留下最深也最麻辣地印象。
一個字就是有夠靚! http://hkwm.com/underspicy.htm

Shenzhen - Massage - A goods : 有Jeff and Marcus 相陪,我終於回歸祖國地懷抱。說真的那是我第一次進入Mainland China。 對在台灣出身的我,多一份鄉愁且裡外不是人的感受。 廣州似乎和中永和得接到很相似,但是在羅湖火車站附近的人群的確讓人有膽戰心驚。 大陸人士直盯著你看,似乎要把你吃掉。 當然,我們前往西武百貨在益壽宮內好好享受我人生第一次最有功夫地Massage。 回程羅湖火車站。還真是買不完的好A Goods。 恨不得多買點,踏上不捨地心情回港,晚餐一夥人在中環的老店翠華餐廳談論是非。

北京道一號的潮州點心(HKG100) http://www.taoheung.com.hk 讓我們看盡好景色且一覽香港美景。 當然這裡的點心也是好吃沒話說。晃晃Tsim Sha Tsui 且終於品嘗過糖朝的甜品後,不思議地大家又要好好吃一餐,Yungee 鏞記,菜色是不錯,不過沒有想像好吃,只有烤鴨烏梅醬算是佳作。 吃完著這輪,前往Lounge Bar 梅貴坊。我想這裡是很多香港人都沒有update 的地方吧!

Finally met up with Perry at Time Square for his new settlement. I Paid a visit to his new flat and everything in there was very cozy and much spaced than the flat of Happy Valley. Not too much to do today, then decided to meet Nick up at. Landmark Oriental to enjoy Home Stay Romance.

Met up with 小安 from Taiwan. Then Lunch at the CAFÉ of Sheraton (HKG200) which is unaffordable to me. A big wide variety of food at this lunch Buffet. Afterwards, heads off to Kowloon Park Swimming Pool with Max Lau. Quite a little fun at the pool, very nice to just lay down there to savor the heat of sun. Later that night, simple dinner at 阿拉麵館 world trade Center with Keith. Then our gang wanna go and take a look at local “The Lab Karaoke”. Very impressive and some table games can be really bitchy to get so drunky.

Afternoon Sweetie Moment. Along with impulsive and floated sadness flashing thru, go and meet up with those friends at Café De Co (峰景餐廳) at the Peak. http://www.cafedeco.com

The best night view I’d never had and the rooftop for photos can be so overwhelming. All of us stood aside and got so ready to film up those moments. YES, I do miss you all and I can’t fight again this and in this regards, Only think positive!

IFC airport Express Goodbye. YES, step towards and look forwards for nest life Journey. Who knows what’s gonna be next? CI airlines killed me sometime to watch Broken Back Mountain as in-fight service. Meantime, packing up my mind to arrive in TPE. Due to delay flight of CI, and waited for so long at baggage Claim to get my luggage. SO there’s no any direct shuttle bus to TPE. Very furious to face local airport service. Despite of the lousy thing, finally caught up with final bus in 中壢休息站 to TPE. zZZZ ~ TO my sweetie hometown.

香港美食網站 http://www.foodeasy.com/hk/index.php

香江與我 http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/elvintiesto/detail?.dir=bc42scd&.dnm=a16escd.jpg&.src=ph

武一 2006-11-26 14:30:59

你是誰阿? 哈哈,你不報上名來我還真的不知道勒!

你跟我同個學校 ? 真是奇怪哩,哈哈,這樣好讓人模糊喔。

哈棒 2006-10-29 20:03:34

好久沒睇你.點樣阿..ABOUT YOUR SELF