2007-05-12 02:47:29TDa
2007, 5月推薦酒-二支白酒
酒名: Jean-Paul Cecile Selles 2004 Chablis
酒廠: Jean-Paul Cecile Selles (法國)
中文品名: 法國夏布利白葡萄酒
售價: NT$199 (特價)
販售處: 大潤發內湖二店
推薦程度: * * * *
酒名: Dr. Loosen 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese (GoldCap AP#31)
酒廠: Dr. Loosen (德國)
售價: NT$1199
販售處: 好市多內湖&汐止店
推薦程度: * * * *
這隻是拍賣酒,請注意它的小圓貼紙;前年九月在德國的VDP拍賣會中,這支AP number 31的Dr. Loosen 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese,最後每瓶是以32.5歐元成交,如今在台灣才賣NT$1199,實在不知道為何這麼便宜?
這支酒我還沒喝,但我也不急著喝,多年前我的一位同學曾給過我一瓶1997年份的同一款酒,當年是AP#35,喝過之後令人驚艷! Dr. Loosen最具代表性的就是Urziger Wurzgarten葡萄園,這支來自拍賣會的Spatlese,品質更是優良,往往比同園同年份的Auslese更優.
Dr. Loosen 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese(GoldCap AP#31)
WA notes: 94 points,
The 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese Gold Capsule A.P.#31 offers a unique and compelling variation on that great site. The nose is enticed by vividly fresh strawberry and kiwi, accented by green herbs and brown spices. Past the lips, this is an exceptionally pure, refined, creamy-textured Mosel Riesling that simply saturates the palate with fresh strawberry, pear and apricot nectar, richly floral honey, and subtle spice, while evincing no obvious citrus or stone manifestations and certainly no hard edges. The long finish is subtly honeyed and suggestively creamy, and the overall impression one of exceptionally concentrated but botrytis-free berries. For an auction lot of this quality, incidentally, its U.S. retail price looks incredibly reasonable.
酒廠: Jean-Paul Cecile Selles (法國)
中文品名: 法國夏布利白葡萄酒
售價: NT$199 (特價)
販售處: 大潤發內湖二店
推薦程度: * * * *
酒名: Dr. Loosen 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese (GoldCap AP#31)
酒廠: Dr. Loosen (德國)
售價: NT$1199
販售處: 好市多內湖&汐止店
推薦程度: * * * *
這隻是拍賣酒,請注意它的小圓貼紙;前年九月在德國的VDP拍賣會中,這支AP number 31的Dr. Loosen 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese,最後每瓶是以32.5歐元成交,如今在台灣才賣NT$1199,實在不知道為何這麼便宜?
這支酒我還沒喝,但我也不急著喝,多年前我的一位同學曾給過我一瓶1997年份的同一款酒,當年是AP#35,喝過之後令人驚艷! Dr. Loosen最具代表性的就是Urziger Wurzgarten葡萄園,這支來自拍賣會的Spatlese,品質更是優良,往往比同園同年份的Auslese更優.
Dr. Loosen 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese(GoldCap AP#31)
WA notes: 94 points,
The 2004 Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Spatlese Gold Capsule A.P.#31 offers a unique and compelling variation on that great site. The nose is enticed by vividly fresh strawberry and kiwi, accented by green herbs and brown spices. Past the lips, this is an exceptionally pure, refined, creamy-textured Mosel Riesling that simply saturates the palate with fresh strawberry, pear and apricot nectar, richly floral honey, and subtle spice, while evincing no obvious citrus or stone manifestations and certainly no hard edges. The long finish is subtly honeyed and suggestively creamy, and the overall impression one of exceptionally concentrated but botrytis-free berries. For an auction lot of this quality, incidentally, its U.S. retail price looks incredibly reasonable.
10點回到家,對晚上吃的義大利餐不太滿意,酒也喝的不夠(才一瓶Chateauneuf Du Papa),又開了一瓶 Chateau La Gironie Monbazillac 2003,結果與前兩天喝的風味截然不同,沒有葡萄香,甜度也差一些,第一次喝到同一批差異如此巨大的甜白酒,難怪便宜,品質穩定性不足,可能是原因之一,不過仍然超值,就算以@199而言,我也覺得有夠超值。