2019-05-05 09:26:36thhvnjdn7dpz
【團購人氣商品】Britax R-mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL SICT – Black Series 熱銷戰利品
但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 Britax R?mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL SICT – Black Series
經過了Britax R?mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL SICT – Black Series
Britax Römer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL SICT - Black Series 設計式樣: Storm Grey · 2019
The Britax Römer child car seat KIDFIX SL SICT offers your sweetheart a long period of use and an innovative Side Impact Protection technology. The new, elegant Black Series is Britax Römer's answer to the high demand for a child safety seat that features a black shell.
Group/weight category:
- Group 2/3
- Suitable for children weighing between 15 kg and 36 kg
- Age suitability: from 4 years up to 12 years
Conforms to the norm:
- ECE R44/04
You can install the child car seat in a forward-facing mode in a very quick and easy way. The Soft-Latch Isofit System consists of flexible straps and thus ensures a direct and easy connection to the Isofix mounting points in your vehicle. When you drive your car and there is no child sitting in the KIDFIX SL SICT, the child safety seat is to be connected to the ISOFIT system only and does not require an additional fixation with the 3-point belt.
Maximum safety is provided by the adjustable Side Impact Cushion Technology (SICT). The flexible side impact protection is to be used on the door side of the child safety seat only and thus provides a perfect side impact protection while offering enough space for more passengers on the other side of it.
The three-point belt offers optimum protection for your child. The intuitive belt positioner aims at the correct positioning of the seat and prevents misuse or incorrect fastening of your child. That way, parents will find the car seat's handling super easy and convenient!
The Britax Römer KIDFIX SL SICT adapts to every stage growth of your little one by simply growing with him. The backrest features a V-shape which makes your child adopt a posture that meets his current stage development and always adapts optimally to the shape of your little one. The height of both headrest and belt positioner can be adjusted so that they adapt perfectly to the body size of your child. The diagonal belt is thus guided perfectly over your child's shoulders.
The deep, high and soft padded side wings offer your sweetheart optimum side impact protection. The soft padded cover guarantees perfect seating comfort - that way, your little passenger feels comfy and good even on longer rides. If necessary, you can remove and machine wash the cover.
The KIDFIX SL SICT offers everything you need for a road trip with a toddler: absolute security, plenty of comfort, convenient handling and long-lasting use until the end of the mandatory child car seat period.
- Black Series - black shell
- Installation options: ISOFIT with Soft Latch (SL) or three-point belt
- Soft-Latch Isofit System with flexible straps
- Installation in forward-facing mode
- Adaptable Side Impact Cushion Technology (SICT)
- Intuitive belt positioner
- Deep, high, soft padded side wings
- V-shaped backrest
- Height-adjustable headrest and belt positioner
- Soft padded cover, removable, washable
- Dimensions: H 67 - 85 x W 51 - 55,5 x D 38 cm
- Weight: 6,7 kg
- Made in Germany
Britax R?mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL SICT – Black Series
NBA》康利完成本賽季第55場出賽 明年10.6億合約自動生效
曼菲斯灰熊主控康利(Mike Conley)於今日出戰紐奧良鵜鶘,是本賽季第55場出賽,這樣的次數也讓康利獲得下個賽季的合約保障,確定會讓自己獲得3450萬美元(約10.6億台幣)。
這樣的協議背後,主要是因為康利的傷病史,很多NBA球隊會在簽下具有天賦但常常受傷的球員時,透過交易來獲得某種保障,他們不希望球員受傷,但也不想球員沒上場,卻需要付錢。The $34.5M salary in 2020-21 for Memphis point guard Mike Conley is now guaranteed. Signed to a $152.6M contract in 2016, Conley had to appear in 55 games in either the 2018-19 or 2019-20 season for his protection to increase from $22.4M to $34.5M.
— Bobby Marks (@BobbyMarks42) 2019年2月10日
在經歷交易傳聞之後,康利於對上鵜鶘的比賽中拿下11分6籃板9助攻,最終以99比90贏球,雖然沒能與兄弟小加索(Marc Gasol)一同離隊,但獲得全額保障是再好不過的事。
● NBA》林書豪替補拿13分 仍不敵老東家黃蜂
● NBA》快艇完成20分以上客場大逆轉 綠衫軍主場球迷噓聲四起
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Britax R?mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL SICT – Black Series
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