2005-07-08 02:53:11希拉


最新消息, Ken的主人最近才帶Ken去台大手術, 對CHD進行處理
不貴, 手術部份約7,000台幣
針對24週以下,最好是3~4個月的幼犬患有CHD的最佳處理方式, 也是最佳處理時機!

強烈建議在幼犬約3個月大時對hip做X光檢查, 一旦發現異狀,立刻處理, 即有可能避免日後的悲劇!

JPS (juvenile pelvic symphysiodesis)


JPS is performed on young, dysplastic puppies usually less than 24weeks of age, and consists of using electrocautery, which uses an electrical current to destroy the layer of cells responsible for bone growth in the bottom of the pelvis. This stops all bone growth in the floor of pelvis, while the other pelvic areas continue growing at a normal rate. The resulting asymmetrical bone growth causes the upper areas of the pelvis to grow in such a way that the acetabular rim grows over the femoral covering it more completely