2014-12-01 19:00:21Sunny Liu
The Sea Song
這周 R2B 要教 long e sound,
所以我們學很多 ea ee 的拼音生字,
而搭配的歌曲就是這首 The Sea Song
ea ea /i/ /i/ /i/ s-ea~~sea, sea, sea, sea.
J j jellyfish. D d dolphin. O o octopus.
So many creatures in the sea.
M m mantaray. C c crab. L l lobster.
So many creatures in the sea.
Gi gi giant squid. S s sunfish. Wh wh whale.
How many creatures can there be in the sea?
When we swim down to the co co coral reef.
We will see many f f fish there.
E e electric eel. S s seahorse.
K k king crab. So many creatures in the sea.
N n needlefish. T t tuna.
A a anglerfish.
So many creatures in the sea.
How many creatures can there be?
So many creatures in the sea.
Sunny Liu
2015-01-22 17:15:15
The Snail Song
A Sailor Went to Sea