2014-11-04 16:28:28Sunny Liu
I Have a Pet Song
喜歡養寵物嗎? 小寵物和小貝比一樣,
本周的喜悅班 R2B 我們要來唱這首
跟寵物有關的歌喔! 你最喜歡甚麼呢?
I have a pet. He is a dog. And he says :
" Woof, woof,woof, woof, woof.~~woof, woof."
I have a pet. She is a cat. And she says :
" Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow~~meow, meow."
I have a pet. He is a mouse. And he says:
" Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak~~squeak, squeak."
" Woof, woof. Meow, meow. Squeak, squeak."
I have a pet. He is a bird. And he says:
" Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet~~tweet, tweet. "
I have a pet. She is a fish. And she says:
" Glub, glub, glub, glub, glub~~glub, glub. "
I have a pet. He is a lion. And he says:
"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar~~roar, roar."
" Tweet, tweet. Glub, glub. Roar, roar. "
What Do You Hear?