2007-12-25 09:50:40+...Tsaiyuchia...+

Have a Merry Christmas!!!

Hope everybody can have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
Out side is cold,
but inside everyone’s heart is hot.
That is warm and fragrant, isn’t it?
Although now I’m in the United States,
but I can imagine what going on in my family.
I guess my parent, sister, brother, dogs and cat,
they must be so excited for Christmas coming.
They must be decorating the Christmas tree,
and sing Christmas songs.
They must be having a big Christmas dinner. ^^

Tomorrow we will go to another city to celebrate Christmas,
I don’t know what cool things will happened,
so I will tell everybody when I come home.

I am really excited for my present.
Tomorrow we get open them.
Actually, until now,
my friend in the school gave me a lot of presents.
That is really nice.
But I worry about moving them back to Taiwan.
(That’s crazy!!!!!! isn’t it??!!!!)
But I am still excited for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

★鴨子"ܤ 2007-12-25 22:58:56


You too ^^ 2007-12-29 06:35:39
阿姨 2007-12-25 14:31:35

看來你爸媽還沒告訴你在聖誕前夕, 你們家又多了4口, 俏妞又生囉, 在聖誕前夕, 你們家越來越熱鬧了!

They must be so cute XD!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell my mom to send their picture to me??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha ~Christmas babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-12-29 06:35:26