2007-10-19 23:22:42+...Tsaiyuchia...+

I’m scard, but I will show the best of mine!

A lot of times,
I always think:
I try to do my best,
but if my host family can’t see that,
and finally I should change to Gorgea,
at that time, how will I feel?

I really want to stay here, super want!!!!!
can anybody understand this feeling?
Always I help my host family to clean thire’s house,
I keep my smile all the time that when they see me,
they can feel happy too.
If out side is rain, when my home dad doesn’t bring his umbrella,
I was keep mine to help him,
because my home sister was hold on his hand.
when we go to restaurant,
I usually chose the cheaper one,
then the money was not a problem for them.

In my school, I try to do my best,
I stay at the library every day,
try to help my grade be better than better,
but of some subject like Biology I always had some mistakes,
so is really hard to get A or A+.
I just think if my grade can do the perfact,
my home family can like me more.

however, I think is not just the grades problem now,
because if my grades is perfact,
it coundn’t change anything.
I really don’t have any idea to let my host family like me more!!!
Who can give me some idea??

After 2 month, is the term that I should change to Gorgea,
I’m so scard that my host family tell me:
You should change to there.

Anyway, I will try to do my best everyday,
because if I just worried is coundn’t give me any help, right?
I need more hard working, show the best of mine for them,
then I just hope finally I can stay, I just hope that.

Please come true, if I do my best...

聖婷 2007-11-04 15:34:35

ㄋㄉhome family對ㄋ不好ㄇ

you know

Yhea.... they are really nice ^^
And thank you ~you too!!!!
2007-11-07 11:48:35
Gilman 2007-10-24 20:56:12

葉經理 - Boss of Julie Tsai from Foresight Int`l Education Center is in U.S. now. She will contact you to see if she can lend a helping hand to you.

Good luck!

I think maybe I should go to Gorgea,
because I need more experience ~
there is a big city, I can learn more from there!!!!
and my grades are all get A now!!!!!!
2007-10-25 23:01:15
媽咪 2007-10-23 16:58:04


sunny girl!!!!!go go go ~~
haha!!!! I know ^ ^
2007-10-25 22:58:42