2018-03-12 07:07:16+ 小 洋〃

Heart Race

November 24, 2017

Although I don’t even have you
I’m already afraid of losing you, love
How fast did I get swept away
And got filled with pain
I only know you a little bit
And yet I’m betting all I have on you 
I’m not afraid to lose everything but 
Losing you does scare me
I have no other hideout than my fantasy
I have nothing else to do
Than write you a poem
Because I saw you coming and I didn’t doubt
I saw you arriving and I hugged you
And I used all of my passion to keep you
And then I kissed you and I took a chance with the truth
I caressed you and finally let you into my heart so you would go by
My love I gave you unconditionally, so you’d stay
And now I’ll wait a few days to see if what I gave you was enough
You have no idea of the terror I’m feeling
The waiting every morning
If you don’t want to come back
I’ll never understand the meaning of love 
I won’t understand this world
I’ll get away from others 
Now I finally understand the reason of my existence.. It is you.

上一篇:=. 甜蜜誓約 .+

下一篇:30 歲的生日禮物