2019-06-29 19:01:08tfrjlrj79zbt
【便宜團購】Maxi-Cosi邁可適FamilyFix One安全設計組合套裝 哪裡買首選
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Maxi Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size Security Concept 設計式樣: Nomad Black · 2019
Travelling in a rear-facing mode up to four years
- The Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size security concept corresponds to the latest safety standards according to the i-Size norm.
The three components of this fabulous security concept consist of the infant car seat Rock, the follow-up child safety seat Pearl One i-Size and the FamilyFix One i-Size base. Being suitable for babies and children from birth up to an age of four years, this amazing set ensures a long service life and can be used with only one Isofix base for two age groups.
The trio for travelling safely in a rear-facing mode contains:
- Maxi-Cosi infant car seat Rock
- Maxi-Cosi child safety seat Pearl One i-Size
- Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size base
Conforms to the Norm:
- i-Size (R129)
The cosy infant car seat Rock features a comfortable seat insert which is suitable for being used during your baby's first couple of weeks and months. Innovative, shock-absorbing materials on the upper side wings of the infant car seat provide more security and protection in case of a side impact. The built-in five-point harness protects your little one right from the first day.
Children with a body height of 67 cm and up can switch to the Pearl One i-Size. The innovative "Easy-Out" harness as well as the simultaneous adjustment of headrest and harness provide high-quality user comfort. The backrest that can be adjusted into a recline position as well as the comfortable seat with soft belt pads supply your little one with a relaxed ride in your car.
Attaching the car seats via the Isofix system and by using the Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size base搶先看熱銷排行榜 is not only safe but also super convenient. The easy handling delights and satisfies new parents right from the very first day. Due to the particularly easy-to-use Click-and-Go installation, you can attach the infant car seat as well as the follow-up child safety seat Maxi-Cosi Pearl One i-Size to the base with only one click. The visual and acoustic indicator tells you whether the car seats have been installed correctly so that the risk of misuse is minimised.
Improved safety standards provide additional protection for your child's head and neck. According to the i-Size norm it is compulsory for babies and infants to travel in a rear-facing mode.
Details of infant car seat Rock:
- Group 0+, suitable for children with a body height 45 to 75 cm夏季最新款
- Norm: i-Size/ R129
- Installation in rear-facing mode
- Including seat insert and sun canopy
- Three-point harness
- Side protection system, shock-absorbing materials
- Certified for being used on an airplane
- Dimensions: W 44 x D 67 x H 37,5 - 56 cm
- Weight: 3,9 kg
- Made in Europe
Details of child safety seat Pearl One i-Size:
- Group 0/0+, suitable for children with a body height of 67 to 105 cm
- Car seat is to be installed in a rear-facing mode only (up to a body height of 105 cm)
- Improved safety standards provide better protection for child's head and neck
- Innovative "Easy-Out" harness, five-point harness
- Simultaneous adjustment of headrest and harness
- Side protection system
- Removable and washable cover
- Dimensions: H 50 x W 47,5 x L 61 cm
- Weight: 7,25 kg
Details of FamilyFix One i-Size base:
- visual and acoustic indicator for correct installation
Maxi-Cosi邁可適FamilyFix One安全設計組合套裝
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根據蒙特婁大學研究團隊發表在《歐洲流行病學期刊》(European Journal of Epidemiology)的文章裡顯示,受訪女性平均年齡介於55歲到59歲之間,乳癌發病的風險,會伴隨著每晚的夜班工作時數多寡、上夜班持續多少年而增加。
研究人員安妮(Anne Grundy)博士表示,在凌晨12點到早上5點之間至少要工作3小時的女性,患乳癌的風險比從未在夜間工作過的婦女高出12%,其中更年期之前的女性風險則是提高到了26%。
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