2013-06-02 06:31:34Makuhan

殺蟲劑惹禍 英男炸飛穿牆墜地

British man is blown out of his first floor Spanish flat when a can of bug spray explodes in his hand as he tries to kill a cockroach

  • Daran Cooper was celebrating his 48th birthday at his flat in Torrevieja
  • He landed on the street beneath his first-floor flat and suffered serious injury

A British father cheated death when a can of bug spray exploded in his hand, catapulting him through the wall of his first-floor Spanish flat, onto the street five metres below.

Daran Cooper had been preparing a meal to celebrate his 48th birthday on Tuesday when he was distracted by a cockroach that his partner Carmen had been trying to kill with the spray.

Taking the can from Carmen, Daran began spraying the bug, when the explosion happened.

Lucky to be alive: Daran Cooper recovers in hospital after being treated for a broken arm and cuts to his head

Lucky to be alive: Daran Cooper recovers in hospital after being treated for a broken arm and cuts to his head

Destroyed: Mr Cooper's flat in Torrevieja, with the frame of the balcony wall stripped bare following the explosion

Destroyed: Mr Cooper's flat in Torrevieja, with the frame of the balcony wall stripped bare following the blast

Speaking from Torrevieja Hospital, Daran said: 'I started spraying at the cockroach, and some of the gas must have got into the washing machine.

'A moment later, there was the click of the wash cycle, followed by an almighty bang as I flew through where the wall used to be.

'There was glass and all kinds of stuff in the air, but miraculously I stayed conscious all the time, and all I could think of, was that I had to protect my head.'

The blast totally ripped out the wall of his partially enclosed balcony, but Carmen escaped unscathed, while their five-year-old son Sebastian was tucked up safely in bed.


Daran fell onto the pavement just next to a parked car.

'I’m just glad to be alive,' he added. 'If I’d lost consciousness, I would have died.

'I made sure that my arms and hands took the brunt of the fall, and by sheer luck I was wearing Superman underpants at the time!”

His main injury was a bone that went through his elbow, which needed an operation on Wednesday.

Daran also suffered a broken wrist, bruising and head wounds that required stitches.

Debris: The remains of the wall can be seen strewn across the street beneath the flat

Debris: The remains of the wall can be seen strewn across the street beneath the flat

Clear-up: A firefighter inspects the damage to the outside wall of Mr Cooper's apartment

Clear-up: A firefighter inspects the damage to the outside wall of Mr Cooper's apartment

'It was an incredible escape', said Daran’s father Harry.

'The wall and window were taken out and it could have been so much worse for our son.

'The emergency services were excellent and they did everything possible for Daran. We’re just happy that he’s alive! It certainly was nothing to do with him blowing out the candles on his birthday cake!'

Investigators have been at the scene, but so far there has been no official explanation for what caused the explosion.

One of Daran's neighbours, who lives opposite, said: 'I always park my car beneath that window and, luckily, today I left it a bit further away.

'If I hadn't have done so, then my car would have been completely destroyed.'

Investigators initially believed the explosion had been caused by a gas leak, which would have sparked an evacuation of all nearby properties.

But fire crew sources think the insecticide reacted in some way with the man's domestic appliances - a fridge and a washing machine - that were close by.

The fate of the cockroach is unknown.

殺蟲劑惹禍 英男炸飛穿牆墜地



「每日郵報」(The Daily Mail)報導,這起事件發生於28日,當時古柏(Daran Cooper)正準備餐點,慶祝自己48歲生日。


























  • 因為蟑螂的呼吸氣孔位於腹部附近,用泡沫塗於腹部可使蟑螂致命
  • 蟑螂會游泳,即使把蟑螂丟進馬桶沖水也不能淹死它。不過利用去油劑清潔劑去除蟑螂身上的油份,再把它丟進馬桶就可以把它淹死。
  • 蟑螂的最大弱點是不耐熱。50℃以上的熱水(也可以是燒開的開水,廚房常有,因此相當好用)即可將之殺死。所以亦有人用蒸氣噴射等方法解決蟑螂問題。
  • 蟑螂屋:蟑螂有一定學習能力,對成年的蟑螂未必有效。蟑螂屋要定期清理,否則有可能反變成蟑螂的巢穴。
  • 保持家居清潔,處理積水及修理漏水的水龍頭,避免食物長期外露,定期打掃家居。
  • 按1:4的比例,把肥皂溶進熱水中,用熱肥皂水直接噴在蟑螂身上,可有效殺滅蟑螂。
  • 蘇打粉各半混合,置於蟑螂出沒地,約3天-14天後,蟑螂就會消失不見。
  • 也可用馬鈴薯硼酸自製滅蟑藥,將蒸熟後撚碎的馬鈴薯,與之相同體積的硼酸充分混合捏成塊,放在蟑螂常出沒的地方,等其食用。但如果你家裏有其他小寵物,此方法慎用。
  • 用熱水溶解適量硼酸後,用拖把或抹布擦拭地板,乾燥後,白色硼酸結晶會滲入地板縫隙,可防蟑螂、螞蟻等。
  • 橘子皮、檸檬皮曬乾或烤乾之後,放在各類櫥櫃中,不僅有香味劑的作用,也能起到一定的防蟑螂效果。
  • 蟑螂愛吃香甜食物,可用一隻小口徑長頸玻璃瓶,瓶內放些香甜食物,瓶口塗上芝麻油,蟑螂進入瓶內,因為瓶壁被芝麻油潤滑過,蟑螂要爬出來就困難了。
  • 蟑螂愛在硬物上磨去背部污垢。可在房間角落撒些硬而帶銳棱的矽藻土,蟑螂到那裡去擦刮身體時,表面那層蠟油會擦掉過多,結果蟑螂體內的水分大量散失,脫水而死。
  • 使用電蚊拍可能會電死成年德國蟑螂等可以飛行的小型蟑螂,對大型蟑螂會有困難。同理,捕蚊燈可以暫時以電擊擊暈蟑螂,但殺不死蟑螂。



    緋裳女 2013-06-02 07:55:50

    請注意:蟑螂為適應人類生活的環境所形成的驚人"進化論"!還有你家的浴廁清潔劑那麼毒(好恐怖) 人常在裡面使用 故殺完虫後要確定清潔劑的"殘留"問題

    浴廁清潔劑沒那麼毒啦!只是現成有泡沫噴起來很方便,不然用洗碗精稀釋也可以的。 2013-06-02 08:28:21