2013-05-04 01:03:20Makuhan


美國「賭城」拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)的一個女性組織「救救陰蒂」(Clitoraid),多年來一直致力於搶救偏遠地區仍存在的「女性割禮」陋習,現在他們更積極,發起第一屆「國際陰蒂覺醒周」(International Clitoris Awareness Week),就從下周一到周日(6日到12日),希望全世界的女人都能仔細重新審視自己身上最神秘的部份:陰蒂。

「由於不具備生殖功能,陰蒂在女人身上的重要性總是被過度輕忽,事實上,它和男人的陰莖一樣,可以長達18公分,只是是往身體裡面長的」,「救救陰蒂」組織發言人蓋芮(Nadine Gary)說。「就像世界行之有年的『上空日』一樣,雖然不可能讓全世界的女人都脫掉上衣,但至少可以讓『上空』這個行為被廣泛討論,不會讓人覺得是個陰暗的話題」,該組織希望,透過「覺醒周」,至少能讓女性勇於討論、面對自己的陰蒂,而不再把它當作是個禁忌害羞的話題。

以後,每年五月的第一個完整的禮拜,就是「國際陰蒂覺醒周」,剛好和美國每年舉辦的「全國自慰月」(National Masturbation Month)時間重疊。蓋芮表示:「男人的自慰可以這樣拿出來光明正大的討論、甚至比賽,我們希望女人的陰蒂也可以,而且陰蒂和自慰間也有著密不可分的關聯」。今年因為是第一年,蓋芮坦承在活動的規劃上並不夠完善,目前只有洛杉磯一位A片攝影師替幾名AV女優,拍攝一張名為《我愛我的陰蒂》(I Love My Clitoris)的光碟,教導如何正確的「愛」自己的陰蒂,下周將透過各地的活動免費贈送。蓋芮表示,「這是一個好的開始,我們已經在安排明年的系列活動了」。

Clitoraid launches 'International Clitoris Awareness Week'

LAS VEGAS, May 3, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "Clitoraid is proud to announce its first annual International Clitoris Awareness Week, May 6 to May 12," said Nadine Gary , Clitoraid spokesperson, in a statement released today.

"Our first six years of humanitarian work have been dedicated to surgically repairing clitorises for female genital mutilation [FGM] victims, and on October 8 we'll open the world's first Clitoral Restoration Hospital," Gary said. "This year, we'll celebrate the sexual pleasure of all women, since all can benefit from more sexual appreciation."

She said another Clitoraid mission is to raise public awareness about the clitoris.

"It's been ignored, vilified, made taboo, and considered sinful and shameful for centuries because of patriarchal religious values," Gary said. "It's time to give this beautiful organ the attention it deserves. It's the only human organ with an exclusive sexual pleasure function!"

We don't need to go far back in history to see why Western women still experience sexual guilt, she said.

"In the 19th century, 'nymphomania' was considered a disease," Gary said. "Maybe it still is! Masturbation was thought to cause jaundice, blindness and premature death, and doctors even believed that sexual arousal destroys a woman's mental balance. The clitoris was declared the source of these purported problems, and in 1865, the president of the British Medical Society recommended clitoral excision as a cure for illnesses like epilepsy and hysteria. Amazingly, scientists didn't really research the clitoris until the 21st century. Dr. Helen O'Connell, an Australian urologist, finally mapped it in all its voluptuous splendor 8 years ago by using an MRI device."

Gary pointed out that the clitoris boasts the most nerve endings of any human body organ: about 8,000. (The penis has about 5,000.)

"Dr. O'Connell's work shows that the clitoris reaches 8 inches in length," she said. "Its highly pleasurable erectile tissue is wrapped around the vulva like two magnificent arches. That's why we can surgically restore a clitoris whose tip has been mutilated."

For International Clitoris Awareness Week, Clitoraid is inviting women to organize special events.

"Whether through educational lectures, art exhibits, songs and dance, or a 'girl's night' of sharing, each woman can celebrate sexual beauty the way she chooses," Gary said.  "Sexual expression brings self-esteem and inner balance, so let's revere the clitoris in all its glory while completely free of shame and guilt!"





