2013-03-11 07:57:11Makuhan

英女王將簽新憲章 挺同志權利

英女王將簽新憲章 挺同志權利

(中央社台北10日電)英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Elizabeth II)明天將簽署1項歷史性宣言,擴展同志權利和「性別平等」,此舉將成為她在位多年來,最受爭議的行動之一。

英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,就在英國威廉王子嬌妻凱特懷有5個月身孕之際,修改王位繼承法將產生重大影響。就目前的規定,倘若真如傳言,威凱夫婦先生下女娃,接著生下兒子,那麼兒子將在威廉過世後成為國王。然而,依照預計將在接下來幾個月獲得批准的新法規,女嬰也可成為未來君主。





這份稱為「21世紀國協大憲章」(21st CenturyCommonwealth Magna Carta)的宣言表明:「我們堅決反對所有形式的歧視,無論是基於性別、種族、膚色、信仰、政治取向或其他理由。」






Queen fights for gay rights: Monarch makes historic pledge on discrimination and hints that if Kate DOES have a girl, that means equal rights to the throne too

  • First time Her Majesty has signalled support for gay rights in 61-year reign
  • Also promotes 'empowerment' of women in drive to boost human rights
  • Insiders say her decision to highlight the event is a 'watershed' moment

By  Simon Walters

The Queen will tomorrow back an historic pledge to promote gay rights and ‘gender equality’ in one of the most controversial acts of her reign.

In a live television broadcast, she will sign a new charter designed to stamp out discrimination against homosexual people and promote the ‘empowerment’ of women – a key part of a new drive to boost human rights and living standards across the Commonwealth.

In her first public appearance since she had hospital treatment for a stomach bug, the Queen will sign the new Commonwealth Charter and make a speech explaining her passionate commitment to it.

Insiders say her decision to highlight the event is a ‘watershed’ moment – the first time she has clearly signalled her support for gay rights in her 61-year reign.

The charter, dubbed a ‘21st Century Commonwealth Magna Carta’ declares: ‘We are implacably opposed to all forms of  discrimination, whether rooted  in gender, race, colour, creed, political belief or other grounds.’

The ‘other grounds’ is intended to refer to sexuality – but specific reference to ‘gays and lesbians’ was omitted in deference to Commonwealth countries with draconian anti-gay laws.

Sources close to the Royal Household said she is aware of the implications of the charter’s implicit support of gay rights and commitment to gender equality.

In her speech, the Queen is expected to stress that the rights must ‘include everyone’ - and this is seen as an implicit nod to the agenda of inclusivity, usually championed by the Left.

Kate Middleton
Prince Charles

KK [dɪ͵skrɪməˋneʃən] DJ [di͵skrimiˋneiʃən]

1. 辨別, 區別

  1. 辨別, 區別

    the discrimination between right and wrong 是非的分辨

  2. 識別力, 辨別力

    The furnishings in their house showed taste and discrimination. 他們家的室內陳設顯示了主人的審美力和鑑別力。

  3. 不公平待遇, 歧視[(+against)]

    Is there racial discrimination in your country? 你們國家是否存在種族歧視?


KK [ˋwɑtɚ͵ʃɛd] DJ [ˋwɔ:təʃed]

1. 分水嶺

n. 名詞
  1. 分水嶺

  2. 流域

  3. 轉折點; 關鍵時刻




慕松 2013-03-14 13:37:44


對嘛!別因為抱不到孫子,連兒子女兒都斷絕來往了。 2013-03-14 13:59:45
旅人 2013-03-11 17:52:03




謝謝賞文。 2013-03-14 01:21:58