2007-08-09 18:57:03jesterjojo


hiding behind an invisible wall
wishing to vanish into fresh air
is there a safe corner with vacancy
is there a fiction novel to dive into
the split of mind has left me stranded
echoes of doubled voices haunts the resting peace
can everything be taken away
without a trace
without a word

learned not to expect from billowing waters
in return, nothing is hoped for
what more can be asked
what more can be taken
twinkle eyes shines
vacant empty socket sighed

I tired to breath in and out
hungry ghost appeared and stole the essence
I can no longer breath
I can no longer think

the backdrop of nothingness stood silently
guarding the miscellaneous merry-go-around in front
crowd cheered
balloons flew away high into the night sky
turned around
a deathly precipice smiled back
waving, persuading, mesmerizing

slowly, I float towards


knock knock
"there is no one here"
never were, never will