2007-06-28 13:06:29jesterjojo

truE devotioN

A day without you, is a day without meaning
my true devotion is dedicated to you, and for you only

Can you see it
without your words my pages are dry and blank
Can you hear it
without your presence my world is silent
not a drop of water, not a chirp from creatures
timeless motionless

the gap of my continuum, only you can fulfill only you can mend

In the early morning you asked me a question
the answer I gave may be laughable, may be ludicrous
but I spoke from my heart
Will you answer a struggled soul’s prayer
Will you

A moment too soon is a moment too late
I have already set foot on the whirlpool of an aimless journey
how silly of me,
embarkment upon your colorful world.
though the past monochrome are fading
yet, I am still color blind
Do I see what you see
Do I feel what you feel

I can never match up to your grace
but don’t leave me behind
don’t leave me here, at the broken continuum
it is you, your unintentional pillage created the hole
Be fair and stay
stay for my true devoted soul