You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
Teresa Teng 鄧麗君 テレサ・テン
When I said I needed youYou said you would always stayIt wasn't me who changed but youAnd now you've gone awayDon't you see that now you've goneAnd I'm left here on my ownThat I have to follow youAnd beg you to come homeCHORUSYou don't have to say you love meJust be close at handYou don't have to stay foreverI will understandBelieve me, believe meI can't help but love youBelieve me, I'll never tie you down...Left alone with just a memoryLife seems dead and so unrealAll that's left is lonlinessThere's nothing left to feelCHORUS
上一篇:The Way We Were
妳還好嗎 昔日一別 幾個寒暑 仍甚念掛 你還好嗎 已沒見面 還在等待 說句再見 一切安好 不用掛念 約定他朝 在
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