2017-01-15 19:58:48tednp3ey22873

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2015年02月01日 15:57





▲大S婚後和汪小菲育有1女,漸漸淡出演藝圈。(圖/資料年菜外帶 台南照/取自汪小菲微博)


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LOSE-LOSE SITUATION Mild inflation is expected this year, but regulatory measures would not be activated until inflation reaches 2 percent, the central bank saidBy Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterThe labor law amendments could improve working conditions, with only limited impact on consumer prices, the Cabinet said yesterday, rebutting what business leaders said were the side effects of the “lose-lose legislation.”Defending amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法), which stipulates a five-day workweek and higher overtime pay, the Executive Yuan said the legislation is a major improvement in general working conditions, while the impact on businesses is acceptable to labor-intensive industries.Chinese National Federation of Industries secretary-general Tsai Lien-sheng (蔡練生) on Tuesday said the amendments were a “lose-lose” legislation that hurt employers, workers and consumers with increased personnel costs, lower salaries due to fewer working hours and rising consumer prices.“That employers quibble with employees [over overtime pay] is what makes it a lose-lose situation,” Vice Premier Lin Hsi-yao (林錫耀) said, calling on businesses to take care of their employees.Two major goals of the amendments — to reduce working hours and unify the nation’s leave schemes — have been achieved, although there are side effects, such as a rise in operating costs for labor-intensive businesses.The legislation hardly affects companies that have already adopted a five-day workweek, which accounts for about 65 percent of the workforce, Lin said.For employers of the other 35 percent of workers, they are likely to see a tolerable increase in personnel costs.“The public has misunderstood the legislation and believed that businesses would have to pay considerably more in overtime pay, but that is not the case,” Lin said.The amendments would increase the personnel and operational costs of the manufacturing industry by 1.5 percent and 0.1 percent respectively, National Development Council 2017年菜預購 台中Deputy Minister Kung Ming-hsin (龔明鑫) said.As for the service industry, a labor-intensive industry that is more susceptible to the new overtime pay requirements, personnel and operational costs would only increase by 2.1 percent and 0.22 percent respectively, Kung added.The nation will experience “very mild inflation,” with this year’s inflation estimated at 1.26 percent to 1.46 percent, which is “fairly acceptable,” central bank Governor Perng Fai-nan (彭淮南) said, adding that the central bank would not activate regulatory measures until inflation reaches 2 percent.The consumer price index is estimated to rise by between 0.2 percent to 0.4 percent this year with the implementation of the legislation and the nation is likely to see a low and stable rise in consumer prices, Perng added.The Fair Trade Commission is to monitor whether businesses are making coordinated price adjustments to manipulate the market. No such activity has been evident in restaurant prices, it said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者王承中台北5日電)立法院今召開談話會,朝野互有讓步。經協商,朝野共同決定臨時會開到20日,且不處理老屋重建條例草案及證交稅修正草案,而在總預算的部分,國民黨也要求要在明天協商。 立法院今天上午舉行全院委員談話會,下午召開臨時會,而臨時會開到20日,僅處理106年度中央政府總預算案、電業法與長期照顧服務法部分條文修正草案。 此外,攸關當沖證交稅率減半的證券交易稅條例修正草案與都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建獎勵條例草案,不在臨時會處理,新會期2月17日開議,考試院副院長人事同意權待新會期開議後處理。 民進黨團總召柯建銘表示,今天是非常關鍵的一天,朝野協商結論很清楚,臨時會開到20日結束,處理106年度總預算、電業法跟長照,其他就暫不予審議,留待下會期處理。 柯建銘說,原本非常擔心臨時會要開到26日,且國民黨團針對預算提4000多案讓總預算不能過,基本上這樣的結局非常圓滿,衝突、妥協、進步,這就是新國會,希望以後的國會是這樣運轉。 國民黨團總召廖國棟指出,今天朝野共同決定臨時會到20日結束,關於長照跟電業法,要求執政黨要積極協商,也同意在20日前立法完成,協商過程都中,大家互相考量所有立委的意見跟立場,也考量朝野黨團間該所堅持的部分,做了這樣的結論。 關於總預算的部分,廖國棟表示,因時程不多,要求明天就要開始協商,也獲民進黨同意,而行政單位也要趕緊跟各提案立委說明,或許國民黨的提案可以很快的減量,讓大家能夠在程序中把所有的案子處理完。 時代力量黨團總召徐永明表示,今天變化很大,國民黨願意對預算案進行實質協商,相信表決大戰應該會下降,而民進黨也把法案撤回,兩邊都有妥協。昨天立法院長蘇嘉全的談話有發揮一定效果。 親民黨團幹事長陳怡潔指出,親民黨團反對臨時會常態化,臨時會應處理重大議案,執政黨聽從在野黨的建議,不處理爭議法案,這是對的。盼臨時會能順利進行,不要再看到國民兩黨口水戰跟任何的杯葛,建議國民兩黨對總預算要做全盤考量,不要讓大家變成表決器。1060105