2007-05-10 15:18:12Queen Bee

the 100th~~一百~~I need to do somehting different~~~

Finally .....a new stage comes here ...the hundredth ... I think

I need to do something different and cool...so ... I’ve made up

my mind to type something ....lovely...

這是在台灣的 一點點紀錄 雖然不是全部 因為有些不可以放在這裡 ^^

尤其是重要的 但是 還是可以看到一點點生活的改變

不太習慣 或許是 根本不想習慣這裡的生活方式 I mean pattern or style

很多壓力 很多競爭 很多自私 很多可惡 很多不誠實 很多不高興 還有

很多痛苦 很多傷心 很多難過 很多以前不屬於我的擔心 現在都是我的

在台灣的388(continuous)天中 我失去了生命中(at least so far)最重要的一些...(gosh how to say something in chinese)

2005-2006是最慘的一年in my life...本來以為自己脆弱的 在這一年 我想我長大了...原來frustration is like this mah ...就這樣了 希望不要在更糟了but cos of it, I got the chance to live in au for a while haha~~~

In Taiwan...也有開心的事情 認識很多人 很多人因為我而有新的ideas in
their lives,which is really great since I have done something for the
people who are around me ...I feel so happy ..actually, it is amaazing

認識很多很照顧我的人 很好 感覺I seem not to be alone here although I am sometimes lonely ..^_^ 但是還好有很多工作等我做 這是在台灣很恐怖的東西 因為工作很多老闆很壞 喜歡叫別人做很多事情給很少salary 可以學一下
台灣老闆的小氣 這樣自己就會有錢了 that’s why they can become bosses
or directors...

one more funny thing is 台灣老闆喜歡問private life..I mean employees’ private lives..這是很沒有educated 的表現 actually ..most of bosses here are really not educated but they do have lots of $$$...cos they are tycoons hahahha..that’s my guessing ..no education but with cash....

Also...lots of people lack international views,which is too bad..haha
hope I won’t become one of them ...

2006-2007 因為一些人一些事 我很認真的學中文 我想這是我在台灣最大的....(gosh dunno how to say agn..I mean you are like the motivation for me to learn chinese ..since this was one the main purposes for me to stay here..but actaually I don’t really make efforts on it after living in Taiwan...but cos of u ..I learn Chinese with my heart...and now I can read lots of chinese and even use those funny characters which I used to hate lots...)

還有在這個日子中 我認識很多人 學很多business 的東西which is great ..cos some tips and thoughts are not easy learnt on my own ..
thanks ...guys...how lucky I am ...to meet u guys ...

I am not sure if there is any purpose for me to stay here longer...or if I still have the energy to stay here and suffer lots of pressure ..

I hope I can find out the motive soon.....or something which can make me have strong willingness to stay here...sobbing and sighing

In whole, 我並沒有很喜歡這裡 但是我不討厭這裡的人 不過這裡的事情和氣氛
讓我有點累 但是這是life ..我要學會生活在很多地方 just like when I was young, I used to live in many cities and countries ...but the difference is that I don’t have to worry lots since I was with my families or love...

但是這裡是真的一個人的face all difficulties,trouble as well as some
good things ...but bad ones are always more than good ones ..damn

The Thousandth day seems to come soon in a short time ...sighing
will anything differen happen during such a short time ...anyways...

no one knows....God bless me ...and... hope...that...

the miracle will come for me....

Besides, I have a new revolution which is to have a few weeks off ..i wanna go home ..i wanna have my own life without any job bothering ...

有點希望我會愛上台灣 但是又怕愛上以後捨不得離開 真的很麻煩anyway...
tw is fine ..au is great...the uk is lovely but ca is the best..

(good description and conclusion #^.^#)

Canada......Taiwan......Australia.....the UK.....

where is my @@@@@@...............................

It takes me almost ages to type those funny chinese characters....

feeling for .......

Queen Bee 2007-05-13 01:18:13

tks for ur understanding...let`s keep doing it well...

Miranda 2007-05-11 16:43:15

haha, I think it should be spent you much time on typing chinese, right? haha, I still remember that I only could type 4 chinese words per minute before. haha....
Reading your diary could help me improve my english ability~~~You know that you are really a mature and strong girl....just...we all need relaxztion.....After work, I like to stay at home.I am the queen of my world(my house). haha....my soldiers are those cockroaches of my house...hehe

Yvette 2007-05-10 23:31:36

Your chinese is wonderful now!
Improve a lot!!!!

I have the motivation mah~~~hahaha~~~guess wat? 2007-05-11 00:00:10