2007-02-11 11:04:47搖滾茉莉綠茶
二月新目標 - Etihad Airway
一月份試完了Air Canada 的面試之後,先不管結果如何,反正不是 yes 就是 no 的結果,自已能做的部份也都做了,就聽天由命吧! 。二月份,我的目標鎖定了 Etihad Airway。我想在他們開了 YYZ 的航線之後,也難得開始在這裏大大的做 open day一番,這麼好的機會,開玩笑,當然是一定要去試試看的啦~~ 我在幾個月前知道了 EY 要安排來加拿大的 open day 之後,就一直上網留意日期,最近好像有確定的日期了,只是地點還有待通知就是了。
Etihad 的 based 是位於在 UAE 的 Abu Dhabi,是一家蠻新的公司,成立了才三、四年的時間。成長的非常快速,航線也一直在開發當中,得了不少獎,然後也有飛YYZ的點(這樣回家不是方便多了)。不過聽說工作的環境評語大不同,似乎員工很多怨聲連連...... 不過最近它們換了一位新的 CEO ,整個公司大大整頓當中,希望是可以改進讓公司可以往更好的方向前進。不過我想,因為是新的公司,在公司的規定中也免不了的會有不斷的變化當中,加上文化上的不同,對有些人來說,就無法接受,有些人就逆來順受。但是使終是在保守的中東國家,學著如何去適應跟尊敬他們的文化,會好過些吧。
以下是Etihad Airway Cabin Crew 招聘資料:
Our Cabin Crew are Etihad’s prime ambassadors in the eyes of our guests. Therefore, they need to display a high degree of motivation, enthusiasm and commitment in everything they do. Our mission is to meet and exceed our guests’ expectations and to offer a unique taste of United Arab Emirates hospitality.
To qualify for the opportunity you will need to meet the following criteria:
Minimum age 20 years
Weight proportionate to Height
Educated to a minimum level of accredited secondary education or equivalent.
Must have a high standard of English; verbal, written and comprehension. Fluency in another language is an advantage.
Medically fit to meet regulatory requirements.
Experience in front line customer care - either as a cabin crew, hospitality or medical is preferred.
(圖: Etihad Airway Cabin Crews)
Etihad 的 based 是位於在 UAE 的 Abu Dhabi,是一家蠻新的公司,成立了才三、四年的時間。成長的非常快速,航線也一直在開發當中,得了不少獎,然後也有飛YYZ的點(這樣回家不是方便多了)。不過聽說工作的環境評語大不同,似乎員工很多怨聲連連...... 不過最近它們換了一位新的 CEO ,整個公司大大整頓當中,希望是可以改進讓公司可以往更好的方向前進。不過我想,因為是新的公司,在公司的規定中也免不了的會有不斷的變化當中,加上文化上的不同,對有些人來說,就無法接受,有些人就逆來順受。但是使終是在保守的中東國家,學著如何去適應跟尊敬他們的文化,會好過些吧。
以下是Etihad Airway Cabin Crew 招聘資料:
Our Cabin Crew are Etihad’s prime ambassadors in the eyes of our guests. Therefore, they need to display a high degree of motivation, enthusiasm and commitment in everything they do. Our mission is to meet and exceed our guests’ expectations and to offer a unique taste of United Arab Emirates hospitality.
To qualify for the opportunity you will need to meet the following criteria:
Minimum age 20 years
Weight proportionate to Height
Educated to a minimum level of accredited secondary education or equivalent.
Must have a high standard of English; verbal, written and comprehension. Fluency in another language is an advantage.
Medically fit to meet regulatory requirements.
Experience in front line customer care - either as a cabin crew, hospitality or medical is preferred.
(圖: Etihad Airway Cabin Crews)