2003-09-22 17:51:09NotAnAngel

competition homework

Dog Walking
The recent increase of dog ownership in New York City has given rise to a new job, dog walking. The unemployed college students and actors provide the dog walking service for people who are on busy schedules or work far from home that do not have time to walk their dogs during the day. To walk one dog at a time is not efficient. An experienced dog walker may take five or six dogs at a time. To see someone walking with so many dogs on separate leashes surprised the visitors or newcomers to the city. Dog walking sounds simple, but it’s really complicated.
The dog walker must have a key to each apartment or have an arrangement with the doorman, and bring the dog downstairs at the arranged time. Obviously, a dog walker must be reliable, trustworthy, and must have certain kinds of special skills.
He must keep the leashes untangled with one hand, and hold the equipment to clean up after the dogs on the other, for the city fines on people who allow their dogs to foul the sidewalks.
Some ingenious devices for cleaning up are available. A dog walker must know how to coax five large reluctant dogs into a small elevator, as well as keeping the dogs from fighting among themselves or barking at another group of dogs which are being walked by someone else. Some dog walkers provide extra services, they take a sick dog to the vet, they feed the dog and keep accompany with it, when the owners are away on vacation, besides, they bathe the dog and trim its nails. Being a dog walker is an interesting, and special source of job for a suitable person.