2006-11-30 15:18:12vilok

My birthday (the 100th diary)

first of all..i would like to say happy birthday to those who have the same birth-day with me!..including cindy, andrea, fiona ng..etc

1st b-day in foreign country, 1st heavy snow in KS,
i think the biggest present for me this year is the heavy snow brought by United States of America..really ”thx” her a lot!!
that makes me can go nowhere but stay at home.....

ok..this year i received greetings from various kinds of media..
and i would like to thx all of my fds and relatives, the following are all of your big names:

BY PHONE CALL: *Dunsming*+ 1/2 Monk (you are always prompt), annie, Enton+ parents with the tone of dun-know-y unwillingness, heyman x2,
Jurgen, crystal, ”ensen, alex, etc”, Sonia (according to time)

BY MAILING BIRTHDAY CARD/GIFT: *parents+Enton, Gemma, Susan, Becka,

BY E-MAIL: *呀君, yan, Amenda, Mario. (according to time)

BY MSG: *Gloria, Jay, Aldar

BY MSN: *William, Tae, Ag, Janet, Sandy, Jason (thx for the song too), cindy, Gemma, 笨, Becka, CC, Fiona Lo, 1/2 Monk, Sayo, Ling Ling,大頭, Lam Lam, 小虫, Michelle ng, 輝, Ruby, Robert, vchao, artemis, Joana, Isabella, Jo, Nata, viz, kelvin..

Pre Call: *傑傑, 青..

Last but not the least, my birthday cake & card, present (CARS DVD), dinner by Fei and April!!...
Thx for all of you!!!!..Thx for your greetings..although this is a quiet year for me..i am happy and content!...Furthermore, I am so impressed for some unexpected fds to give unexpected msg for my birthday!!

If anyone is missing..tell me and i will add u in~....thx!


下一篇:My birthday (Extract)

dunsming 2006-12-04 18:56:23


annie 2006-12-02 04:02:33

happy birthday again~
and now, we are in the same age again~

ha,,yes..we are both old ppl`hehe 2006-12-02 06:04:11
crystal 2006-12-01 13:58:25

happyyyyyyy birthdayyyyyy lokkkkkk~~

THxxxxx..crrrrrrystal~~~ 2006-12-02 06:03:53