2011-12-02 06:25:57Tao

Faith in Life.


James 2:26: As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. (NIV, 1984)


When in your life have you taken a great risk and followed what you believed to be God’s will, even though some friends and family felt your decision to be foolish or irrational? How did you feel in the midst of that time? What happened at the end?


I am on the job market out looking for a job. As some of my friends got phone calls and emails setting up interview, my heart struggled a lot: frustration, a bit of depression, disappointment, and a growing sense of powerlessness. “God will lead you to a good position that He has already prepared for you,” my friend prayed for me. To me, this is “déjà vu.”


I kept thinking of the time when I was applying for a doctoral program six years ago. My prayer was that wherever God wanted me to go, I would go—but not without His comfort and peace. A car hit Annie (a friend who participated in an iron-woman race) while she was on her bike. The wound forced her to see a doctor months later. It turned out that her join had some severe problem. “You should consider yourself lucky that old lady ran you over” (with an exaggerated expression) said the doctor. Annie’s take-away was that, God sometimes had to take extreme measure to get our attention. The intent and results were all good, though we might disagree while in the midst of that particular incident.


In the early stage of my doctoral program, I prayed for funding every year. “Father, if you want me to stay, to finish the degree, please provide the resources for me. If not, give me a sign, comfort me, touch my heart, then I will leave with peace.”


One of my all time favorites is “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV 1984)


With all the uncertainty ahead of me, I have peace (at least for now.) There are risks to take, but don’t we all learn from taking risks and benefit from them? And if our eyes are truly focusing on the right thing, won’t we be motivated to do what we are called to?


Faith in life ain’t sugar-coated cruel reality. Faith in life is active, peaceful, and trustful.