2010-10-20 15:59:43台北文化護照小天使

Stroll of the Senses: Daan Park West

Stroll of the Senses: Daan Park West


The area west of Daan Forest Park and east of the Shida market is a neighborhood of empty alleys and long, winding walls, of leafy shade and very few visitors. Yet it’s a residential quarter rich in collective cultural memories.


There are Japanese-style houses, old trees, canals (such as Liugong Canal), chapels, coffeeshops and teahouses, antique shops, and countless secluded and peaceful alleys that lead to someplace people don’t know.


Some of the things in this neighborhood that call for a closer look are the architecture, the layout of the streets, the shopping areas, where the vendors are, where the flowers and trees are planted. You can also notice some of the shops in the area – bookstores, teashops, antique stores, even a store specializing in toothbrushes. But all and all, you’re here to soak in the area’s atmosphere of human warmth.


Suggested Route: Taipei Grand Mosque – Holy Family Catholic Church – Wistaria Teahouse – Jiu Xiang Ju Bookstore – Qingtian StreetChaozhou StreetYunhe Street - Yin Foo-sun's Residence


Nearby MRT station: Taipower Building Station