2004-06-27 21:29:24Mars



Thank you for your appearance.
I really thank god for arranging our encounter in my life.
I always thought that I wouldn't ever have this feeling again.
I always thought that wouldn't have this feeling about anyone again.
I never thought that you would come right in my time of self-doubt.
This wonderful appearance right before me.

From the first gaze
我不安的閃躲 是擔心自己不夠完美
I uneasily hid away, worrying that I was not perfect enough.
我異樣的舉動 是為了掩飾真實感覺
I reluctantly acted, trying to cover up my real emotions.
你慢慢的靠近 讓我卸下層層的防備
You slowly drew near, I shed away layers of defenses.
你溫柔的聲音 讓我的心漸漸的淪陷
Your gentle tone, allowed my heart to gradually surrender.
我想你 在你離開的第一天
I miss you. On the day you left
我拒絕打電話給你 怕為彼此製造困擾
I refused to call you, afraid we would confuse each other.
我喜歡你 在我觸碰你的第一瞬間產生
I like you. Since the moment we touched.

原來喜歡一個人 是如此地簡單
I actually like someone! It's that simple!
Thank you for allowing me to experience this long-forgotten touched.
只是喜歡你而已 從此我就把它收藏在心底
I only like you, nothing more. From now on, I will store away this
feeling at the bottom of my heart.
你只要幸福就好 我會在地球的某端想念著你
As long as you are happy, that's all that matters. From somewhere in
this world, I will remember you.

written by Michelle