2023-07-07 15:22:32流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1167)Darling Say You'll Love Me When I'm Old


此曲原為愛爾蘭早期民謠,傳唱至今共有三套不同的歌詞和略不同的曲調與歌名。以下所貼係採用愛爾蘭音樂二人組Foster & Allen所撰寫歌詞的版本,收錄在該二人組2010的專輯《Magic Moments》中。

以下影音上傳者採用的是1973羅馬尼亞電影《Ciprian Porumbescu ( 西普里安‧波倫背斯庫 / 羅馬尼亞作曲家 )》中的片段,翻唱者為愛爾蘭鄉村女歌手Catriona O'Donovan。

Ciprian Porumbescu本尊 (1853─1883)。






Two lovers they were walking hand, in hand.
The maiden wore a shiny, wedding band.

She said my love, "You've won my heart, and soul.
So promise that, you'll love me when I'm old."

Chorus:And I will say "You'll love me when I'm old."
When dark clouds gather round, and nights are cold.

And say "You'll never trade our love, for gold."
Oh Darling say you'll love me, when I'm old.

He kissed her lips and touched her gold-den hair.
Then looked upon her face, so young and fair.

He held her gently to his loving, arms.
Saying "Only God above could make us part."

They lived so many years as man and, wife.

With seven kids to grace their happy, lives.
Sometimes the clouds grew dark, and nights were cold.
Somehow their love grew strong, as they grew old.

Oh Darling say you'll love me.... when I'm old.