2023-03-26 11:14:34流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1152)Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends

此曲為美國歌手兼詞曲作家Kris Kristofferson所寫,首由鄉村歌手Bobby Bare錄唱於其1971的專輯《Where Have All the Seasons Gone》中

1974,盲人鄉村歌手Ronnie Milsap翻唱此曲,成為他個人第2首的鄉村冠軍曲 ( 總共有35首,僅次於George Strait及Conway Twitty,排名第三。),也替他贏得了首座「年度最佳鄉村男歌手」的葛萊美獎 ( 後又得了5座葛萊美獎項 )。可見同一首歌由不同的人來詮釋 ( 含編曲
),各有巧妙不同。見到自己寫的歌紅了,Kris與老婆Rita Coolidge也合唱此曲,收錄在1978的專輯《Natural Act》中,唯未能再創佳績。





This could be our last goodnight together
We may never pass this way again
Just let me enjoy 'till its over
Or forever
Please don't tell me how the story ends

See the way our shadows come together
Softer than your fingers on my skin
Someday this may be all
That we'll remember
Of each other
Please don't tell me how the story ends

Never's just the echo of forever
Lonesome as the love that might have been
Just let me go on loving and believing
'Till it's over
Please don't tell me how the story ends

Please don't tell me how the story ends