2022-07-09 11:22:58流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1116)I've Always Been Crazy

此曲為美國鄉村歌手Waylon Jennings自寫自唱,收錄其1978與此曲同名的專輯中,單曲奪得告示牌鄉村榜的第1名,也是他個人第6首的冠軍曲。

Jennings出道甚早,曾任電台的DJ,也因而認識了Buddy Holly。1959年初,Holly邀Jennings參與他的「Winter Dance Party」巡演並擔任貝士手,為了趕場,Holly租了架小飛機,而Jennings自願將座位讓給得了流感的The Big Bopper ( 這位老兄身體噸位大,長時間坐巴士應也不甚舒服。),孰知由於天候問題造成飛機失事,Jennings因而逃過了死劫。常言「大難不死,必有後福」,看Jennings後來在鄉村音樂界的發展也還不錯,是「Outlaw Country ( 非法鄉村 )」的代表人物之一,但由於早年的毒品濫用及酗酒、吸煙 ( 戒菸前曾一天要吸6包 ),導致健康情況不佳,2001,因糖尿病致左腳截肢;2002,終因併發症辭世,僅享年64歲,福份也不算很好。

Jennings & Holly


以下所貼影音是Jennings在 2000年的演唱會版本,看來身體已有狀況。合唱的來賓Travis Tritt,後來在CMT (鄉村音樂電視 ) Jennings的紀念音樂會上獨自演唱此曲,形隻影單,場景頗令人傷感。




I've always been crazy and the trouble that it's put me through
I've been busted for things that I did, and I didn't do
I can't say I'm proud of all of the things that I've done
But I can say I've never intentionally hurt anyone
I've always been different with one foot over the line
Winding up somewhere one step ahead or behind
It ain't been so easy but I guess I shouldn't complain
I've always been crazy but it's kept me from going insane
Beautiful lady, are you sure that you understand
The chances your taking loving a free living man
Are you really sure, you really want what you see
Be careful of something that's just what you want it to be
I've always been crazy but it's kept me from going insane
Nobody knows if it's something to bless or to blame
So far I ain't found a rhyme or a reason to change
I've always been crazy but it's kept me from going insane