2021-12-26 10:02:05流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1083)A Love Song

1972,加拿大女歌手Anne Murray翻唱了一首《Danny's Song》,成績亮眼,分別打進了告示牌流行及鄉村榜的前10名,並獲得葛萊美「最佳鄉村女歌手」的提名,惜未獲獎。由此,《Danny's Song》的作者也是原唱歌手的Kenny Loggins特別為Murray寫了此首《A Love Song》,不過,至終還是收進了自己和另位搭擋發行的專輯《Full Sail》中。

Kenny Loggins ( 左 ) &  Jim Messina

1974,Anne Murray發行了《Love Songs》專輯,不僅翻唱了Loggins & Messina合唱的此首《A Love Song》,還包含另首也是Loggins所寫的《Watching the River Run》,可見當時Murray是Loggins的「粉絲」。Anne Murray所詮釋的《A Love Song》,除了在加拿大獲得「當代成人」、「鄉村」及「最佳單曲」三個排行榜的冠軍,在美國告示牌的「當代成人」、「鄉村單曲」及「熱門100」排行榜也獲得第1、第5及第12名。而專輯《Love Songs》更在1975替Murray奪得了一座「最佳鄉村女歌手」的葛萊美獎。

歌曲說的是一位男子,將自己比做是「一隻在柳樹林中的鷦鷯 (  a wren in a willow wood 」,鷦鷯 ( ㄐㄧㄠ ㄌㄧㄠ/ ) 是一種很會鳴叫的小型鳥,男子也如小鳥般自顧自的對心中喜歡的人唱情歌。

wren ( 鷦 鷯 )

There's a wren in a willow wood
Flies so high and sings so good
And he brings to you
What he sings to you.
Like my brother the wren and I
Well, he told if I try, I could fly for you
And I wanna try for you. 'cause
I wanna sing you a love song
I wanna rock you in my arms all night long
I wanna get to know you
I wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.
Summer thunder on moon-bright days
Northern Lights and skies ablaze
And I bring to you,
Lover, when I sing to you.
Silver wings in a fiery sky
Show the trail of my love and I
Sing to you,
Love is what I bring to you.
And I wanna sing to you, oh.
I wanna sing you a love song
I wanna rock you in my arms all night long
I wanna get to know you
I wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.
I wanna sing you a love song
I wanna rock you in my arms all night long
I wanna get to know you
I wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.
I wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home...

duoleduo001 2021-12-28 15:06:17
