2021-06-10 10:28:42流浪阿狗


The McGuire Sisters ( 馬奎爾姊妹三重唱 ) 是由Ruby、Dorothy及Phyllis三位親姊妹所組成,從1935就開始在母親擔任牧師的教堂的一些婚、葬禮及佈道會活動中演唱,當時最小的妹妹Phyllis才4歲。1949,姊妹們也開始在教堂以外的電台、軍營及軍醫院等地表演,而曲目也有別於在教堂有了多樣化。

1952,The McGuire Sisters與Corel唱片公司簽約,算是正式出道,期間有多首暢銷曲,其中包含了《Sincerely》(1954)及本文所介紹的《Sugartime》(1957)兩首冠軍曲。而關於馬奎爾姊妹,最精彩的莫過於小妹Phyllis與芝加哥黑幫頭目Sam Giancana的交往。Giancana曾經由影歌星Frank Sinatra ( 法蘭克辛納屈 ) 的牽線,出力協助競選將John F. Kennedy ( 約翰甘迺迪 ) 給拱上總統大位;也曾和CIA秘密合作,數度暗殺古巴總統卡斯楚,唯均告失敗。另傳聞Kennedy和Giancana曾共享女友Judith Exner。

Sam Giancana & Phyllis McGuire

左至右:John Kennedy、Judith Exner & Sam Giancana

1965,Giancana因藐視法庭被判入獄 ( 雖獲得法官無罪豁免,仍不願在大陪審團前回答問題。),一年多後出獄逃往墨西哥,1974被墨西哥政府逮捕驅返美國,1975在自家地下室廚房遭開7槍身亡,兇手及動機迄今未明。

1968,The McGuire Sisters宣佈退隱,一般咸信與Sam Giancana之牽涉有關 ( 據說是Phyllis的姊夫逼她在團體和Giancana之間二選一,顯然她是選擇了後者。 )。1986,McGuire Sisters復出,在各大城市的夜總會表演。1994之後,姊妹們只偶爾會在一起露面,最後的重聚是在2004,三人的合音並無顯著減弱而令人印象深刻。The McGuire Sister曾在尼克森、福特、卡特、雷根及老布希等5位美國總統及英國女王伊麗莎白二世的面前表演,是該團體演藝生涯令人稱羨的傲人記錄。

1995,依據小說《Roemer: Man Against the Mob》改編拍成的電影《Sugartime》( 台譯:叱吒風流 ),主要是講述Phyllis McGuire和Sam Giancana及相關人等的真實故事。Phyllis McGuire一直住在位於Las Vegas的豪宅中,誇張的是,此豪宅中還有座44英呎高的「巴黎鐵塔」。一度傳言此豪宅有用到Giancana的黑錢 ( 如此的話麻煩就大了 ),但Phyllis澄清是用她投資石油所賺的錢來建的。



2020,Phyllis McGuire在Vegas的家中安詳過世,享壽89歲,也是三姊妹中最後一位離世的。

Well . . .
Sugar in the mornin'
Sugar in the evenin'
Sugar at suppertime
Be my little sugar
And love me all the time
Honey in the mornin'
Honey in the evenin'
Honey at suppertime
So by my little honey
And love me all the time
Put your arms around me
And swear by stars above
You'll be mine forever
In a heaven of love
Sugar in the mornin'
Sugar in the evenin'
Sugar at suppertime
Be my little sugar
And love me all the time
Well, well
Sugar in the mornin'
Sugar in the evenin'
Sugar at suppertime
Be my little sugar
And love me all the time
Honey in the mornin'
Honey in the evenin'
Honey at suppertime
So by my little honey
And love me all the time
Put your arms around me
And swear by stars above
You'll be mine forever
In a heaven…
Sugar in the mornin'
Sugar in the evenin'
Sugar at suppertime
Be my little sugar
And love me all the . . .
Now Sugartime (sugartime)
Is anytime that you're near (that you're near)
'Cause you're so dear
So don't you roam (don't roam)
Just be my honeycomb (honeycomb, honeycomb)
And live in a heaven of love.
Sugar in the mornin'
Sugar in the evenin'
Sugar at suppertime
Be my little sugar
And love me (love me)
All (all all all)
The time